Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Special Educational Needs Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 December 2018

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Ceisteanna (117)

Billy Kelleher


117. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to introduce an immediate appeals procedure for staffing allocations to special schools for matters such as staffing allocation which are not given to special schools until late in the academic year, often July (details supplied); if he will clarify or correct the situation by which he and the principal officer of the special education section deny responsibility to adjudicate an appeal from a special school stating it rests with NCSE which in turn states it rests with his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52413/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is responsible for determining the appropriate staffing levels in relation to the support of pupils with special educational needs in special schools, in accordance with the policies of my Department.

Enhanced pupil teacher and SNA ratios are provided to special schools to support them in dealing with pupils' educational and care needs. Since 2012, special schools are staffed on the basis of their actual pupil profiles and the disability category of each pupil, as opposed to being based principally on school designation, in accordance with my Department's Circular 0042/2011. 

Special school staffing allocations are reviewed and updated each year by the NCSE and schools are staffed on the basis of each year’s school enrolments, unlike mainstream primary and post primary schools, which are allocated staffing based on staffing schedules.  

Where a special school has a query in relation to their allocation, they can discuss their concerns, in the first instance, with the Special Education Needs Officer (SENO) who will provide the basis for, and background to, their class teacher allocation.  Where a special school is unhappy with the SENO's decision, the advice of the Senior SENO may be sought on the matter.

Special Schools are advised of their teaching and SNA staffing allocations at the same time. Following the Government's decision of 5th July 2017, that the allocation of SNAs would now be part of the annual Estimates process, this has allowed the NCSE to make staffing allocations to special schools much earlier than in previous years. Special Schools were advised of their staffing allocation on 20th May 2018.  

I have recently requested the NCSE to develop policy advice on the educational provision that should be in place for students educated in special schools and classes and make recommendations on the provision required to enable students in special schools and classes achieve better outcomes.  Issues in relation to appeals will also be considered.

The NCSE have been asked to complete and submit it’s report to the Minister not later than June 2020. There will be no change to the staffing arrangements currently in place in special schools, pending the receipt of this policy advice.
