Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Affordable Childcare Scheme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 February 2019

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Ceisteanna (675)

Brendan Griffin


675. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if the new affordable childcare scheme roll-out will be postponed until January 2020 in view of the significant administration requirements faced by childcare providers each September (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [6562/19]

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The new Affordable Childcare Scheme will launch in October 2019, replacing all previous targeted childcare programmes with a single, streamlined and user-friendly scheme. Ultimately, this streamlining will tangibly reduce the overall administration which childcare providers will be required to undertake.

To allow for continuity of service, the existing childcare programmes will continue to operate until the launch of the Affordable Childcare Scheme.

Applications for the existing programmes can still be made up until the new Scheme goes live in October. After this time, no new applications for these existing schemes will be allowed.

To make the transition as smooth and safe as possible, families can choose to make the switch to the new Scheme immediately on its launch or to remain on their existing programme for a final programme year.

The free preschool programme, ECCE, will not be affected by these changes.

As part of the development of the Affordable Childcare Scheme, considerable, sustained engagement has taken place with consultative and focus groups to inform the design and development of the system. Childcare providers have been, and continue to be, integral to this process.

My Department will shortly be rolling out a comprehensive programme of information, training and supports for parents, providers and other stakeholders. Training for childcare providers will be provided across multiple platforms, including classroom-based and online, up until the launch date. This training will be tailored and timed to suit the needs of busy childcare providers, and has been designed to ensure that childcare providers are well prepared to operate the Scheme in advance of its launch.

The Affordable Childcare Scheme will subsidise the cost of childcare for tens of thousands of parents, many of whom, to date, have not been able to access such support. As such, it is imperative that DCYA acts as quickly as it can to introduce the new scheme, whilst of course offering supports to providers to assist them with the transition. It is important to note that the new scheme is also increasing investment in childcare services and accounts for some of the 117% increase in budget to the childcare sector over the last 4 years, from circa €260m in 2015 to €575m in 2019.
