Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Job Initiatives

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 February 2019

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Ceisteanna (54)

Mattie McGrath


54. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if she will provide an update on the outcome of her visit to the careers fair held in Tipperary town; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [7975/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (6 píosaí cainte)

My question is about a jobs fair in Tipperary town. The Minister's roadshow was wheeled into town with the aid of Fine Gael election candidates and Deputy Lowry. Will the Minister give me a few results from it? The Minister knows me. I am not a bully. I have never bullied anyone. I am concerned about the 860 people who were bullied and coerced into coming to the fair. They were written to and told that if they did not come it might result in diminution of their social welfare payments. Will the Minister inform me as to the results of the fair?

I call on an tAire. There are two minutes left. She can use them any way she and Deputy Mattie McGrath would like.

I will do my best to fill them. On an annual basis, the live register has been falling rapidly, for which we are to be thankful. In 2018 it fell by 15.5% nationally. In Tipperary town it fell by 18.2%, which is equal to almost 200 people coming off the live register during the course of 2018.

My Government is determined to provide the best possible environment for economic growth along with job retention and job creation, as well as introducing a renewed focus on the best possible approaches to enable those remaining numbers of long-term unemployed to find suitable work. The careers fair in Tipperary town on 1 February was part of that effort and was organised jointly by my Department and Tipperary Education and Training Board, ETB. It aimed to increase awareness of the supports available to jobseekers and employers, along with providing information on current employment opportunities in the area. In addition to staff from my Department and Tipperary ETB, the event was also attended by a range of employers and community-based organisations, including ten community employment schemes.

The event was attended by almost 800 people over the course of the day. I attended the event and there was a huge sense of enthusiasm and goodwill from everybody present, even the protestors outside.  Evaluation sheets completed by 450 of those attending confirmed this, with 90% positive feedback and particular mention of the level of information and support available to jobseekers at the event. Feedback received to date from exhibitors also has been very positive. 

A number of people have been invited for interview or to make applications for positions and others hope to follow up on contacts made at the event. Tipperary ETB received 400 expressions of interest in training opportunities and there was a strong interest in apprenticeships. All of these expressions of interest will be followed up by my Department and Tipperary ETB.  There were also a large number of expressions of interest in our community employment, CE, scheme placements. Arising from that day, 13 individuals so far have been approved for CE scheme places.  

I am also happy to inform the Deputy that, because of the success of the careers day in Tipperary, a similar event will be held in Clonmel on 27 March. The Deputy is very welcome to come, given that he did not attend the last one.

I was in the House. This is cynical in the extreme. It is totally cynical. It is propaganda.

Deputy Mattie McGrath does not want to help.

It is totally cynical propaganda.

Written Answers are published on the Oireachtas website.