Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Public Transport

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 2 April 2019

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Ceisteanna (33)

Maureen O'Sullivan


33. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he is satisfied that the public consultation process for residents along the proposed MetroLink and BusConnects route in the Griffith Avenue, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 area was carried out in good faith; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15149/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Deputy will be well aware of the need to transform public transport.  In order to embark on that transformation, the relevant agencies of course need to consult with communities.

Since the launch of BusConnects and MetroLink, the NTA has engaged in an extensive consultation process with citizens and community groups across the city.

There's been a wealth of information published online and in the press in relation to MetroLink and for each and every one of the 16 BusConnects corridors, as well as a huge amount of detail provided last summer in relation to the proposed new BusConnects network as it was first published.

There’s also been active and sustained personal engagement with communities and citizens across the city to explain the proposals but also, of course, to listen to people’s views.

As well as the above, the NTA has written to each and every individual property owner who might be personally impacted by the proposals under BusConnects and has offered a one-to-one meeting to explain, in person and in detail, the implications, the timelines and the process involved.

As it embarks upon this transformation to improve transport services, the NTA is actively engaging with all  local communities, listening to a wide range of views and publishing revised proposals to address many of the issues raised.  

I am very satisfied that these consultations have been substantial in terms of their scale, reach and depth of engagement and that local communities will continue to engage with the NTA in the ongoing consultations.
