Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Tuesday, 9 Apr 2019

Written Answers Nos. 309-326

Disability Services Funding

Ceisteanna (309)

Peadar Tóibín


309. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Health if funding is available for electric prosthetics from the HSE in counties Louth and Meath; if a person (details supplied) is entitled to apply for this medical technology; if funding is available; and, if so, the reason the funding was not granted. [16046/19]

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As this is a service matter it has been referred to the HSE for reply to the Deputy.

Ambulance Service

Ceisteanna (310)

Timmy Dooley


310. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Health if the full-time position of director of the National Ambulance Service was legitimately ratified by a person (details supplied); the procedures followed to fill the post; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16050/19]

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I have asked the HSE to respond directly to the Deputy on this matter.

Primary Care Centres Data

Ceisteanna (311)

Stephen Donnelly


311. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the primary care centres that have become operational since 2010; the year in which they opened; the other primary care centres due to be built; the status of same; and when they are due to open, by county, in tabular form. [16051/19]

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As the HSE has responsibility for the provision, along with the maintenance and operation of Primary Care Centres and other Primary Care facilities, the Executive has been asked to reply directly to the Deputy.

Medical Aids and Appliances Provision

Ceisteanna (312)

Michael Healy-Rae


312. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Health if a wheelchair will be expedited for a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16056/19]

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As this is a service matter it has been referred to the HSE for reply to the Deputy.

Health Services Funding

Ceisteanna (313)

Brendan Griffin


313. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Health if assistance will be provided to a centre (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16058/19]

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As this is a service matter, it has been referred to the Health Service Executive for attention and direct reply to the Deputy.

Services for People with Disabilities

Ceisteanna (314)

Timmy Dooley


314. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be provided with residential care; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16065/19]

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The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives.  This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. 

As the Deputy's question relates to a service issue, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Hospital Appointments Status

Ceisteanna (315)

Pat Deering


315. Deputy Pat Deering asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be called to St. Luke's hospital, Kilkenny, for a procedure. [16070/19]

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Under the Health Act 2004, the Health Service Executive (HSE) is required to manage and deliver, or arrange to be delivered on its behalf, health and personal social services. Section 6 of the HSE Governance Act 2013 bars the Minister for Health from directing the HSE to provide a treatment or a personal service to any individual or to confer eligibility on any individual.

The National Waiting List Management Policy, a standardised approach to managing scheduled care treatment for in-patient, day case and planned procedures, since January 2014, has been developed to ensure that all administrative, managerial and clinical staff follow an agreed national minimum standard for the management and administration of waiting lists for scheduled care. This policy, which has been adopted by the HSE, sets out the processes that hospitals are to implement to manage waiting lists.

In relation to the particular query raised, as this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to respond to the Deputy directly.

Hospital Appointments Status

Ceisteanna (316)

Pat Deering


316. Deputy Pat Deering asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be called to St. Luke's hospital, Kilkenny, for a procedure. [16071/19]

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Under the Health Act 2004, the Health Service Executive (HSE) is required to manage and deliver, or arrange to be delivered on its behalf, health and personal social services. Section 6 of the HSE Governance Act 2013 bars the Minister for Health from directing the HSE to provide a treatment or a personal service to any individual or to confer eligibility on any individual.

The National Waiting List Management Policy, a standardised approach to managing scheduled care treatment for in-patient, day case and planned procedures, since January 2014, has been developed to ensure that all administrative, managerial and clinical staff follow an agreed national minimum standard for the management and administration of waiting lists for scheduled care. This policy, which has been adopted by the HSE, sets out the processes that hospitals are to implement to manage waiting lists.

In relation to the particular query raised, as this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to respond to the Deputy directly.

Hospital Appointments Status

Ceisteanna (317)

Pat Deering


317. Deputy Pat Deering asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be called to St. James's Hospital, Dublin, for further tests. [16072/19]

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Under the Health Act 2004, the Health Service Executive (HSE) is required to manage and deliver, or arrange to be delivered on its behalf, health and personal social services. Section 6 of the HSE Governance Act 2013 bars the Minister for Health from directing the HSE to provide a treatment or a personal service to any individual or to confer eligibility on any individual.

The National Waiting List Management Policy, a standardised approach to managing scheduled care treatment for in-patient, day case and planned procedures, since January 2014, has been developed to ensure that all administrative, managerial and clinical staff follow an agreed national minimum standard for the management and administration of waiting lists for scheduled care. This policy, which has been adopted by the HSE, sets out the processes that hospitals are to implement to manage waiting lists.

In relation to the particular query raised, as this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to respond to the Deputy directly.

HSE Staff Responsibilities

Ceisteanna (318)

Louise O'Reilly


318. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Health if it is a medical radiologist or a dentist holding a level-nine higher degree in dental and maxillofacial radiation, such as the qualification held by the dental adviser to the medical exposure radiation unit, who should take clinical responsibility in circumstances (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16073/19]

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The European Union (Basic Safety Standards for Protection Against Dangers Arising from Medical Exposure to Ionising Radiation) Regulations 2018 (S.I. 256 of 2018) transpose the medical provisions of the Basic Safety Standards Directive 2013/59/Euratom.

The Regulations place an obligation on an undertaking to ensure that all medical exposures take place under the clinical responsibility of a practitioner. 

A person is prohibited from taking clinical responsibility for an individual medical exposure unless the person taking such responsibility is (a) a registered dentist within the meaning of the Dentists Act 1985, (b) a registered medical practitioner within the meaning of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007, or (c) a person whose name is entered in the register established and maintained by the Radiographers Registration Board pursuant to section 36 of the Health and Social Care Practitioners Act 2005. Furthermore the Regulations require that an undertaking provides for a clear allocation of responsibilities for the protection of patients, asymptomatic individuals, carers and comforters, and volunteers in medical or biomedical research from medical exposure to ionising radiation.

A dentist taking clinical responsibility for making 3-dimensional radiation exposures must be in compliance with the above Regulations.

Healthcare Infrastructure Provision

Ceisteanna (319)

Thomas P. Broughan


319. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Health his plans and timeframe for the delivery of the new accident and emergency department at Beaumont Hospital; the funding provided for the project in the 2019 health budget and HSE operational plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16081/19]

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My Department and the Health Service Executive are currently engaged in a process to finalise the HSE Capital Plan for 2019. Once the HSE has finalised its Capital Plan for 2019, it will then be submitted to me for consideration.

I understand that Beaumont Hospital intends to proceed shortly with a planning permission application for the new emergency department.

National Treatment Purchase Fund

Ceisteanna (320)

Louise O'Reilly


320. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 155 of 28 February 2019, the status of the tender (details supplied); if the project will be delivered on time and on budget; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16082/19]

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The update sought by the Deputy has been requested by officials in the Department and will be supplied to the Deputy as soon as it becomes available.

Services for People with Disabilities

Ceisteanna (321)

Fiona O'Loughlin


321. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Health if a child (details supplied) will be assessed by the network disability team in south County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16089/19]

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The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. 

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Hospital Consultant Recruitment

Ceisteanna (322)

Louise O'Reilly


322. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Health when a second permanent consultant breast surgeon will be appointed at Letterkenny University Hospital. [16100/19]

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The matter of the appointment of a second permanent consultant breast surgeon at Letterkenny University Hospital is currently under discussion between my Department and the HSE's National Cancer Control Programme.

Hospitals Data

Ceisteanna (323)

Louise O'Reilly


323. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Health the number of hip and knee replacement operations, primary and revision combined, carried out in the hospitals across the Saolta hospital group in each of the years 2014 to 2018 and to date in 2019, in tabular form. [16101/19]

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I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond to the Deputy directly.

Hospitals Data

Ceisteanna (324)

Louise O'Reilly


324. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Health the number of laparoscopic appendectomies carried out in the hospitals across the Saolta hospital group in each of the years 2014 to 2018 and to date in 2019, in tabular form. [16102/19]

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I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond to the Deputy directly.

Hospitals Data

Ceisteanna (325)

Louise O'Reilly


325. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Health the number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies carried out in the hospitals across the Saolta hospital group in each of the years 2014 to 2018 and to date in 2019, in tabular form. [16103/19]

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I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond to the Deputy directly.

General Medical Services Scheme

Ceisteanna (326)

Louise O'Reilly


326. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Health if it is policy for patients with disabilities in community houses who have medical cards to be charged a general practitioner fee for a medical exam every 24 weeks or six months; if not, the reason this is occurring in some community houses in the Fingal area; his plans in instances in which patients are being charged this fee; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16104/19]

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Under the terms of the current GMS contract, GPs are required to provide eligible patients with  "all proper and necessary treatment of a kind usually undertaken by a general practitioner and not requiring special skill or experience of a degree or kind which general practitioners cannot reasonably be expected to possess." There is no provision under the GMS GP contract for persons who hold a medical card or GP visit card to be charged for medical services provided under the contract.

As this question relates to a local matter, I have arranged for it to be referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.
