Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Defence Forces Remuneration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 18 April 2019

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Ceisteanna (7)

Martin Heydon


7. Deputy Martin Heydon asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the position regarding the review of military service allowances for members of the Defence Forces; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18043/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (9 píosaí cainte)

Will the Minister outline the position on the review of military service allowances for members of the Defence Forces, and will he make a statement on the matter?

The Public Service Pay Commission was established to advise the Government on public service remuneration policy. In the current phase, the second phase of the commission's work, it was tasked by its terms of reference to undertake an examination of whether, and to what extent, there are difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff in important areas of the public service identified in its first report. The commission has adopted a modular approach to its work programme for its present exercise.

As the Deputy will be aware, the first module was published by the commission in August 2018 and deals with issues relating to nursing and midwifery, non-consultant hospital doctors and hospital consultants. The commission is currently engaged in work in respect of the Defence Forces. I understand that written submissions have been received and that on 5 March, oral presentations were made to the commission by both parties. The commission has indicated it expects to complete its work by the end of quarter 2 of 2019. We are in the final phase of the work and should have results in place and published as May and early June approach.

I welcome that the report is progressing. The issue is urgent, given that concerns have been raised by members of the Defence Forces. I attended a respect and loyalty march outside Leinster House with the chairman of the Fine Gael parliamentary party, Deputy Heydon, and we heard the concerns of families in respect of conditions, the duty allowance and the proportion of the Defence Forces who claim family income supplement. While I accept there is significant pressure on the State due to the various demands within the public sector, I welcome the Minister's commitment that the report will be published by quarter 2 and hope that he will keep on track to ensure that happens. I hope that we can respond, in some way, to the challenges that people face. A former Minister for Defence pointed out on the national airwaves last week that the numbers in the Defence Forces are considerably off the target of 9,500 members in the Army, Naval Service and Air Corps. It is important we monitor that closely and do everything we possibly can under the current fiscal constraints to return the Defence Forces to that level.

We are doing that and I have outlined the dates by which the Public Service Pay Commission should be able to present and complete its work. We are also taking other steps to support the Defence Forces. The Deputy will be aware of all the work under way on wage restoration and on ensuring that by the end of the public service stability agreement, low and middle income workers will have seen their income either restored or on the way to restoration.

This also applies to the Defence Forces. We have increased by €25 million the amount of expenditure for new equipment for the Defence Forces. We are putting in place measures to support the development of equipment for the Defence Forces. A new Naval Service vessel is due to arrive soon. We have made a lot of investment in this area. The Defence Forces participate in all the changes of the public service stability agreement. As I said, we have a specific piece of work that will be completed soon.

I acknowledge the huge work and effort made by our Defence Forces in peacekeeping missions abroad, sometimes under very dangerous circumstances, and in supporting agencies within the State. This is not taken for granted. It is very important that we as a Government maintain support for our Defence Forces and do all in our power to ensure they are paid what they deserve and are given the conditions they deserve. Their conditions are a key issue in terms of how they perform their daily duties. I hope we see the report progressing in the second quarter of the year and I look forward to its delivery to the Government.

We have a few supplementary questions but I ask that they are very brief.

Does the Minister have a proposal to provide rent allowances to serving soldiers? Does he have any proposal to help soldiers who have completed one or two terms of duty to buy a house by providing a deposit? One of the reasons people leave the Defence Forces is they cannot pay the rent or buy a house.

I also compliment the Minister on his efforts to bring about restoration of pay and conditions in the Defence Forces. In particular, I raise the question of the need to reassure members of the Defence Forces that the report is imminent and that it will be positive. It is not in the interests of the morale of the Defence Forces that there is a question mark over their future, particularly when there are competing demands in the job market. It is very easy for the Defence Forces to be ignored. Having particular regard to the fact they are more likely than any other branch of the public services to be called on in an emergency, I ask that the report be brought forward to reassure the Defence Forces.

All my colleagues are correctly recognising the role of our Defence Forces and the contribution they make to the State. They are right to do so and I understand why. However, we also have to be conscious of the fact that other public servants are called on at times of emergency, to use the approach of Deputy Durkan, including those who work in the health services, the Garda and those who support our Defence Forces in their work. They are also public servants and are covered by the public service stability agreement. We have to be fair to everybody, which is why the Public Service Pay Commission and the way it works is so valuable.

Deputy Burton asked me to make a number of commitments on what we will do. As the Deputy knows, if I were to make those commitments now there would be no point in having a Public Service Pay Commission. Its role is to inquire into these issues and make recommendations to me. This is what it is doing at present. In response to what Deputy Burke said a moment ago, I can confirm the report is imminent and I hope it will be delivered within the timings I have indicated.
