Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Shareholdings

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 10 July 2019

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Ceisteanna (122)

Catherine Connolly


122. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Finance if he will provide details of all entities in which he or his Department hold shares; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30184/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The following are Irish companies in which I, as Minister for Finance, am a shareholder:

Allied Irish Bank - 71% of ordinary shares in issue

Bank of Ireland - 14% of ordinary shares in issue

Permanent TSB - 75% of ordinary shares in issue

IBRC – 100% of all preference and ordinary shares

Home Building Finance Ireland – 100% of all shares in issue

Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland - 100% of all shares in issue

Aer Lingus – One ‘B’ Share

For clarity, it should be noted that the shareholdings in AIB and BOI are part of the Directed Portfolio held within the Irish Strategic Investment Fund under direction from the Minister for Finance.

The following are shareholdings in international bodies under international agreements:

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – Irelands Shareholding 0.14%

Asian Development Bank - Irelands Shareholding 0.57%

Council of Europe Development Bank - Irelands Shareholding 0.88%

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Irelands Shareholding 0.3%

European Investment Bank - Irelands Shareholding 0.57%

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Irelands Shareholding 0.34%

International Development Association - Irelands Voting Power 0.37%

International Finance Corporation - Irelands Shareholding 0.05%

International Common Fund for Commodities - Irelands Shareholding 0.53%

International Monetary Fund – Irelands Quotashare 0.723%

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency - Irelands Shareholding 0.4%

The value of Ireland’s shareholding in the European Stability Mechanism and the European Financial Stability Facility are €1,273,188,572 and €452,616 respectively.

Regarding shares held in a personal capacity, the Deputy will be aware that details of registerable interests of Members of the Oireachtas are available on the Oireachtas website at https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/members/register-of-members-interests/
