Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Public Service Pay Commission Reports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 November 2019

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Ceisteanna (111)

Jack Chambers


111. Deputy Jack Chambers asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the progress made in those actions in the high-level plan to implement the report of the Public Service Pay Commission on recruitment and retention issues in the Permanent Defence Force that are due for immediate implementation and those due for implementation in the short-term in tabular form. [47841/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The following table outlines the status of projects due for immediate and short-term implementation as outlined in the "Strengthening our Defence Forces - Phase One" plan. (It should be noted project V1 - Review of Pay Structures in the PDF is not included in the following table as it is a medium to long term project.)

Project No.

Project Title

Status of Project


Increase MSA

- Recommendation accepted by Representative Associations

- Officers received payment in October

- Enlisted personnel are due to receive payment this week


Restore Allowances cut under Haddington Road Agreement

- Recommendation accepted by Representative Associations

- Officers received payment in October

- Enlisted personnel are due to receive payment this week


Restore weekend premium rates

- Recommendation accepted by Representative Associations

- Officers received payment in October

- Enlisted personnel are due to receive payment this week


Restore Pilot Service Commitment Scheme

- New Pilot Service Commitment Scheme promulgated - under consideration by pilots


Tech 2 - 6 arrangements

- Report on 'Priority Actions' drafted and under consideration

- Further work underway


Incentivised long service arrangements - NCO and Officer ranks

- Report completed

- Options to be considered in the context of future public sector pay negotiations


Barriers to extended participation in the PDF

- Research has commenced on Phase 1 of the project.


Bespoke Management training for leaders and managers

- Report on schedule to be completed before end 2019


Professional Military Education [PME] Strategy

- Audit of existing learning and development measures in place in PDF completed.

- Development of draft strategy underway


Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

- First phase of project completed

- Research has commenced for the next phase of the project


Non-Pay Retention Measures in the PDF

- Audit of existing retention measures completed

- Research into measures which may enhance retention in other militaries completed

- Further work ongoing


Additional specialist posts for high turnover/long lead in appts.

- Report nearing completion

- Short extension to the deadline granted, to facilitate collection of detailed data required for analysis


Review of Recruitment methods for PDF

- External Recruitment Advisor engaged as Chair

- Review commenced and Chair has advised an interim report will be completed by end 2019


Workforce Planning

- External HR Adviser working with project team to finalise structured approach.
