Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Research Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 December 2019

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Ceisteanna (303)

Dara Calleary


303. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the amount of funding to be allocated to the Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund over the lifetime of National Development Plan 2018-2027; the amount allocated in each year over the 2018 to 2020 period to the fund; the amount of funding allocated for each approved project in 2018 and 2019, in tabular form; and the amount issued in payments to date. [53059/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) is a €500 million fund, established as one of the National Development Plan investment priorities under Project Ireland 2040, which will run from 2018 to 2027. The Fund forms a key part in the delivery of the Pillar 1 goal of Future Jobs Ireland to embrace innovation and technological change. It will see investment in the development and deployment of disruptive innovative technologies and applications, on a commercial basis, targeted at tackling national and global challenges.

While the fund was launched in 2018, the Government committed an initial tranche of €180m over the first four years, with funding to be allocated each year from 2019 to 2022, as follows:











As each project funded is a multi-year project of up to 3 years, the capital allocated to projects to date is reflective of this. A total of €140m has been allocated to 43 projects under Call 1 (27 projects with a commitment of €75 million) and Call 2 (16 projects with a commitment of €65 million), as set out in table 1 and table 2. It is important to note that the funding amounts shown in these tables are the amounts sought by consortia for their projects. Each company partner in all 43 consortia is matching this funding. The DTIF funding awarded is of course subject to verification checks as to the eligibility of the amounts claimed, in line with State Aid rules, and the relevance of the costs to the terms of the Fund.

Enterprise Ireland, who are administering this Fund on behalf of my Department, has informed me that payments totalling €12.2m have issued to the project partners involved in the successful projects under Call 1 with further payments in train.

Table 1: DTIF Call 1 (2018) Successful Projects

Project Title

Consortium Members

Project Summary

Funding sought (subject to costs verification)

A Disruptive Gene Therapy Platform, Replacing Viruses in the Treatment of Genetic Conditions

Amryt Pharma, Curran Scientific Ltd, University College Dublin, DEBRA Ireland

This project aims to disrupt the Viral Gene Therapy Market using a new Polymer-based Delivery Platform.


HOLISTICS - Holistic Human Sensing for Health, Aging and Wellness

Tyndall National Institute, DABL, PMD Solutions, De Royal, Setanta, University College Cork Lero, Sanmina, Design Partners, VRAI, Henkel, ADI, HRB CRF-C, University College Cork Insight

HOLISTICS will create for the first time in Ireland, a disruptive Smart Wearables Industry Value Chain to deliver end-to-end HealthTech solutions based on emerging human-centric intelligent sensors and their wireless communication (abbrev. WSN) to support new products.


AuriGen Solution for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation

Aurigen Medical Ltd, University College Cork/Tyndall, National University of Ireland Galway (TMD LAB)

This project will finalise the development and move to commercialisation, a cardiac implant to treat the stroke and arrhythmia risk associated with longstanding atrial fibrillation.


‘The Future of Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Combining Tissue Responsive Probes, AI and Machine Learning to Transform Medical Care’

RCSI, Deciphex, IBM Research, University College Dublin

This project aims to transform the diagnosis and surgical treatment of Gastro-Intestinal (GI) diseases, specifically cancer, by allowing decision-support information to be available when needed for faster and more accurate interventions for patients. Applications will be developed in surgery and diagnostics using AI and machine learning.


Therapeutic enzymes as a treatment for sepsis and other immune disorder diseases

Cala Medical, Curran Scientific, University of Limerick

This consortium has a disruptive technology, Cytoflow5, for the treatment of sepsis. The technology will be further expanded to disrupt areas currently dominated by monoclonal antibodies and thus disrupt the biologics area. This will result in a panel of new therapies for the treatment of diseases including sepsis, psoriasis, arthritis and Crohn’s disease.


Towards safe and effective off the shelf cellular therapy for cancer

Onkimmune, Janssen, National University of Ireland Galway

This project will develop a disruptive, optimised, off-the-shelf Natural Killer (NK) Cell therapeutic platform for the treatment of multiple cancers.


Photonics Manufacturing Pilot Line

Tyndall National Institute, Ficontec, MBRYONICS, Eblana Photonics, Sanmina Ireland, Faztech

This project will build a physical Photonic Packaging Pilot Line in Ireland designed to fill the gap that exists today, i.e. to fabricate tens to hundreds of units. The Photonic Packaging Pilot Line Hub will A) develop packaging designs tailored to fast cost-effective packaging processes and equipment and B) develop and install next generation packaging equipment (including test) with reduced cycle-times.


Microfluidic Gene Transfection Cell Analysis and Sorting Platform (GTCASP)

Cellix Ltd, Trinity College Dublin Physics,

Trinity College Dublin Med, National University of Ireland Galway

This project will see the company deliver new cell manufacturing solutions to the pharma industry, building on excellent scientific research in gene therapy.


Cooperative Energy Trading System (CENTS)

International Energy Research Centre, MPower, MSemicon, TemplederryRenewable Energy Supply, University College Cork, National University of Ireland Galway, DIT

CENTS (Cooperative Energy Trading System) is proposing a disruptive technology platform for the electricity sector where consumers and communities will be empowered with the necessary infrastructure to generate their own electricity, earn from the excess electricity generation, and finally, to be an integral part of decarbonizing their homes and communities for sustainable living. With CENTS a software solution for a blockchain enabled cooperative peer-to-peer energy trading platform will be provided and necessary hardware requirements and market/regulatory strategies will be proposed.



Davra Networks,


Dublin City University

The goal of this project is to provide a reliable, verifiable and secure end-to-end remote patient monitoring system which has rich data, affordable & reliable network connectivity, machine learning and data integrity at its core.



Neurent Medical Ltd,

National University of Ireland Galway

Neurent Medical is creating a new therapy for patients suffering from rhinitis that will give the patient immediate and long-lasting relief from their symptoms and remove the need to take daily medication to manage their condition.


Medical Imaging Ireland

IBM Ireland, Nova Leah, University College Dublin, DKIT, Davra Networks Ltd

Medical Imaging Ireland (MED-I) will build a platform offering enabling technologies which can host, manage, process and analyse image and text data and brings together the entire ecosystem of actors in the medical imaging domain.


ArtEngine 2.0: Bringing Automated, AI-Driven 3D World Creation to Market

Artomatix, Black Shamrock, WarDucks, Keywords

This project leverages Artificial Intelligence to automate the creation of 3D models and worlds,However, the cost of 3D content creation is prohibitive for small studios and this project is an enabler for the development and adoption of AR/VR.


HYDRO-fish: Combining targeted nutraceuticals and traceability technology for a smarter and sustainable Irish fish aquaculture industry

National University of Ireland Galway,

Bio-Marine Ingredients Ireland, Teagasc, Marine Institute

HYDRO-fish is a multi-disciplinary research programme, specifically designed to employ current technologies from other sectors to disrupt and enhance current fish farming practices. The project entails reinforcing the supply chain of Irish salmon production, in particular for organic salmon farming.



Signum Surgical Ltd, Anecto Ltd

This project uses the BioHealx device (a bioabsorbable implant) to treat anal fistula and reduce surgical complexity.


E-BAMBI - Enhanced Biocompatibility of Additively Manufactured Biomedical Implants for Improved Clinical Outcomes

SEAM Research Centre, Schivo Medical, Graph Treatments Ltd, STRYKER, DIT

This project will develop Additively Manufactured (using 3-D printing), Biocompatible, metallic components for the medical device industry. The project will focus both on the creation of implants with improved functional properties such as drug elution and also on metallic structures that can be absorbed into the human body when they have successfully completed their clinical function.


High throughput microfluidic drug screening platform

HookeBio Ltd, CIT, CAPPA, National University of Ireland Galway

The HookeBio platform is a disruptive technology that will allow pharma companies and clinicians to develop more accurate and responsive disease models for drug testing and may be expanded to testing of existing therapies on individual patient’s disease samples.


Optimised commercial-scale cultivation of protein-rich biomass from Palmariapalmata for the generation of health enhancing plant based proteinaceous ingredients.

Allihies Seafood, Carbery, University of Limerick

This project aims to sustainably generate plant-based proteinaceous ingredients for exploitation as a source of high quality protein and contribute to meeting the growing global demand for plant-based proteinaceous ingredients for animal and human consumption.


Future Software Systems Architectures

Dublin City University &Lero, FOURTHEOREM, FINEOS

This project will leverage the internet network capability (and to some extent the Internet of Things) as a means to rapidly operationalise new software features. Central to this project will be the capacity to transform traditional slow software development organisations into rapid feature delivery firm. AI research is also a feature


Irish Lasers for the Internet of the Future (iLife)

Pilot Photonics, Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin

This project proposes a solution to the impending “capacity crunch” problem for optical telecommunication and datacentre networks using optical frequency comb sources, a new type of laser which can replace the single mode lasers that have been used in long haul optical transport equipment for two decades.


Connected Medical Device Cybersecurity Transparency

Nova Leah, DKIT

This project will see the use of Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Blockchain techniques to provide a real-time platform for the two-way communication of safety-critical security information (i.e. vulnerabilities, threats) between Medical Device Manufacturers and Hospitals.


Creating the Bionic Man: Development of a “neural training suit” to assist individuals with sensorimotor impairments.

Trinity College Dublin, Biomedical Research

This project aims to develop the “Swiss-Army Knife” of Neurorehabilitation, a multifunctional neuromotor training suit. The suit will integrate an array of wearable biological sensors and a multisite neuromuscular stimulation system.


Beyond Food Labelling

IdentiGEN, University College Dublin

Using massively multiplexed Next Generation Sequencing to provide a crypto-anchor for food authentication and as a substitute for costly, error prone labelling and certification systems


Advanced Environmental Decision Support System for Coastal Areas

Techworks Marine Ltd. Dublin City University

This project will provide an advanced environmental decision support system to address issues such as coastal pollution and flooding. Such a system will provide enhanced insights to coastal industries, local authorities, government agencies and will ultimately benefit Irish society.


Smart-Cardio – A Paradigm shift in Cardiac Arrhythmia Treatment

Atrian Medical Ltd, National University of Ireland Galway

This project will develop a medical device for treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) that will lead to substantially improved outcomes over current treatments. In addition, it will alter how arrhythmia treatment services are provided to patients – throughput in hospitals and clinics will be dramatically increased and per patient costs will be reduced.


DEFINE-AM – Disruptive Finishing using Electrochemical machining for Additive Manufacturing

Blueacre Technology,

Trinity College Dublin

The DEFINE-AM project consortium aims to develop an innovative Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) Hybrid Laser-Jet Electrochemical Machine tool with 5-axis of motion that addresses the challenges of post-processing 3D-printed metallic parts i.e. parts produced by the Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) additive manufacturing technique.


Blockchain in the Technology Product Supply Chain

Exertis Supply Chain Services, Sonalake, University College Dublin (CeADAR)

This project aims to implement a Production blockchain to transform the Technology Product supply chain.


Table ctg.

Table 2: DTIF Call 2 (2019) Successful Projects

Project Title

Consortium Members

Project Summary

Funding sought (subject to costs verification)

Nextgen Heat – Next Generation Heat Pump for Affordable Decarbonisation of Heating

Exergyn Ltd (Lead Applicant),Fort Wayne Metals Ireland Ltd,Dublin City University

Exergyn’s zero-emission, refrigerant-free heat pump will enable Ireland’s transition to a low-carbon economy, providing an affordable, sustainable way to heat our buildings, while decarbonising our energy system. It will provide the lowest cost, cleanest, most efficient form of heating available and won’t need additional financial incentives.

€2.4 m

Sustainable Bio-Renewable Energy from Wastewater (S-BREW)

NVP Energy Ltd (Lead Applicant),Ashleigh,Environmental LtdNational University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)

The S-BREW project will create a truly disruptive and compelling offering for the Food & Drink wastewater sector that will reduce land-spread waste and produce high-quality renewable energy thus helping to deliver a circular economy and mitigate the climate crisis. Decarbonising the Agri-Food energy eco-system and the development of indigenous energy supplies will help make Ireland a world leader in the energy transition by demonstrating how large Food & Drink industries can make great strides to decarbonise their operations.


TRANSPIRE - Trained AI Platform for Regulation

Corlytics, CeADAR UCD, Singlepoint

This project combines human expertise with artificial intelligence to demystify laws and regulations making it easier to do business while protecting consumers.


Data-center Audio/Visual Intelligence on-Device (DAVID)

FotoNation Limited (Lead Applicant), SoapBox Labs (SOAPBOX), National University of Ireland Galway

DAVID is a ‘privacy by design’ AI platform, capable of multi-modal (sound and vision), ultra-low power consumption, ‘data centre’ level processing of audio and vision data on-device, without need to transmit any personal data to the cloud. This platform has immediate applicability in smart toy and Internet of Things (IoT) markets where data privacy is a key concern.


Quantum Computing in Ireland: A Software Platform for Multiple Qubit Technologies (QCoIr)

IBM Ireland Ltd (Lead Applicant),Tyndall National Institute,University College Dublin – National University of Ireland, Dublin,National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Maynooth University),Rockley Photonics Ireland Ltd,Equal 1 Laboratories Ireland Ltd,MasterCard Ireland Ltd

Quantum computing is changing computing. The project partners aim to work together on a software platform integrating multiple qubit technologies being developed in Ireland, to explore their potential for industry challenges e.g. in financial services, logistics or drug discovery. This places Ireland at the forefront of quantum computing.


Pharma Latch: The disruptive microneedle drug delivery platform

Latch Medical Ltd (Lead Applicant), Blueacre Technologies Ltd, TheraDep Ltd, University College Dublin

The Pharma Latch project will create a disruptive microneedle drug delivery platform which is optimised for skin penetration and attachment, drug coating and scalable manufacture. This will create new opportunities around delivering drugs, biologics and vaccines in a more efficient manner to meet both individual patient and global health challenges.


Video Intelligent Search Platform (VISP)

Kinesense Ltd (Lead Applicant),Overcast HQ Ltd,Trinity College Dublin

This project will deliver an innovative intelligent video platform to enable the exploitation of video for the criminal justice / security and media & entertainment markets. VISP is a cloud based digital platform that will make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to exploit video as a resource providing new insights and ever-growing market opportunities.



mBryonics Ltd (Lead Applicant), Pilot Photonics Ltd, OEWaves Global Ltd, DCU, TCD

The FreeSpace project will revolutionize wireless connectivity with ultra-high capacity wireless laser communication technology that delivers an unprecedented combination of bandwidth, availability and distance without the need for spectrum licensing.


Exosome therapeutics

OmniSpirant Ltd (Lead Applicant), Aerogen Ltd, National University of Ireland Galway, CCMI

Developing inhaled bioengineered exosome therapeutics, delivered by tailored aerosol delivery technology, for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).


STROKE-CIS [Clot Ingestion System]

Perfuze is developing disruptive medical technology to treat stroke. More than 50% of stroke patients treated today suffer severe disability. The vision is to alter the course for stroke patients’ futures from a life of severe disability and long-term care to one of independent living by removing the entire blood clot lodged in the brain of stroke victims in one attempt. Achieving this vision will lead to dramatically improved outcomes and significantly reduced healthcare costs.


Point-of-care iron stores/Ferritin testing for at risk blood donors, women and children (FerrTest)

Radisens Diagnostics (Lead Applicant), Irish Manufacturing Research, PolyPico Technologies, Trinity College Dublin

The diagnostics and automation manufacturing partners will develop a cost-effective, quantitative point-of-care (POC) diagnostic platform to determine the body’s iron stores (Ferritin). This will enable the monitoring of Ferritin in at-risk groups in blood donors, women and children, facilitating early decision making and potential administration of iron supplements/nutraceuticals.


Haemodialysis Outcomes & Patient Empowerment (HOPE)

RCSI Beaumont (Lead Applicant), patientMpower, Sixty (registered as Design to Value Ltd)

AI enabled software medical device and wearable device will empower kidney dialysis patients to self-manage and provide clinicians with insights to improve care. This will be a catalyst to revolutionise kidney dialysis, empowering patients and clinicians to move from in-clinic to home delivered care, reducing cost by 50% while improving outcomes.


Mobility+ Connected Enteral Feeding Healthcare System for Integrated & Co-ordinated Care

Rockfield Medical Devices Ltd (Lead Applicant),Medical and Engineering Technologies (MET) Centre at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology,Steripack Group

The proposed Mobility+ Enteral (Tube) Feeding Connected Health ecosystem leverages innovation in sensors, a new innovative feed delivery device design, connectivity and apps for an entirely new level of data-driven patient-centred care, revolutionising the experience of patients, caregivers and health practitioners. The empowered, more mobile, patient-consumers will be freed from the constraints of the current inefficient enteral (tube) feeding infrastructure and will receive connected, coordinated, integrated (better-faster-cheaper) care leading to improved outcomes and better quality of life.


Blockchain and AI-Enabled Stratified Trial System (BESTS)

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Lead Applicant),Ergo, Microsoft, Singularity Alpha

This project will create, populate and test a highly secure blockchain-enabled, trustworthy and GDPR-compliant platform that matches patients with clinical trials, based on their personalised clinical and genetic data, ensuring complete patent control and ownership of that data and providing a future share of any value derived from this sharing.


“EyeVU” Miniaturised Endoscope Camera Development

Tympany Medical (Lead Applicant),University College Dublin, Gentian Services,NCAD

The project team will deliver a disruptive, miniaturised "eyeball" endoscope camera, which will allow clinicians to see around corners, with unparalleled precision. This camera will also drive first-in-class sustainability and Zero-Waste Solutions in the MedTech Sector. While undertaking the development of a single use endoscope for Ear Surgery, Tympany Medical have developed a platform technology which has broader applications across the wider endoscope market.


TAPESTRY: Transfer print technology for heterogeneous integration of components

Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (Lead Applicant),X-Celeprint,Rockley Photonics,Analog Devices International, UC

The project will deliver a disruptive manufacturing technology for the micro-assembly of advanced electronic and photonic (involving the use of light) components leading to sophisticated and compact subsystems for use in sensing and communication applications. The technology will enable future leadership for Ireland in heterogeneous integration delivering high added value products and securing future jobs.

