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Brexit Preparations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 May 2020

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Ceisteanna (39)

Seán Haughey


39. Deputy Seán Haughey asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade the status of the meeting of the specialised committee on the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland; the work outstanding to be done to ensure the effective operation of the protocol; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5508/20]

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The Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland ensures that the Good Friday Agreement and the gains of the Peace Process are protected, including by avoiding a hard border on this island, and safeguarding the integrity of the Single Market and Ireland’s place in it. The Protocol will apply from the end of the transition period, whatever the outcome of the negotiations on the future EU-UK relationship.

The Protocol also contains provisions on a number of important areas for Ireland, including on the rights of individuals, the maintenance of the Common Travel Area, facilitating North South cooperation, and maintaining the Single Electricity Market on the island.

The Protocol must be operational at the end of the transition period. It is critical, therefore, that the UK Government give a clear roadmap and begin to put practical operational arrangements in place for its implementation. These must be communicated to economic operators in good time. The European Commission on 30 April published a technical note on some of the practical steps needed to implement the Protocol. Ireland has advocated early movement on implementation both in bilateral contacts with the UK and in meetings of the EU-UK Joint Committee and in the Specialised Committee on the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The implementation of the Protocol will mean some changes. Northern Ireland will remain in the UK customs territory but will continue to apply the rules of the Union Customs Code and relevant EU legislation. The Commission has been clear that there will be a need for checks, some of which already exist, on goods entering Northern Ireland from Great Britain. It is important that the implementation of the Protocol works for Northern Ireland, and for the all-island economy, in as smooth a manner as possible.

At the EU-UK Joint Committee, which held its first meeting on 30 March, and the Specialised Committee, which met on 30 April, Ireland participated as part of the EU delegation, while representatives of the Northern Ireland Executive formed part of the UK delegation. Discussions took place in a constructive atmosphere. The UK stated at the Joint and Specialised Committees that it will respect all its legal undertakings under the Withdrawal Agreement. The Specialised Committee took stock of work needed regarding implementation and had an initial discussion on decisions required under the Protocol before the end of transition. Ireland welcomes these important steps.

Clarity on implementation is particularly important to give reassurance and certainty, and the EU will continue to press for this ahead of the next meetings of the Joint and Specialised Committees.

Full implementation of what was agreed in the Withdrawal Agreement is fundamental for all EU Member States. A new EU-UK partnership can only be built on the full and effective implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement and Protocol.
