Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Written Answers Nos. 862-884

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (862)

Stephen Donnelly


862. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting for a first assessment for occupational therapy in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than four, four to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by LHO in tabular form. [5396/20]

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Freagraí scríofa

As this question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871)

Stephen Donnelly


863. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the inpatient day case active waiting list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5397/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


864. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the inpatient day case GI endoscopy waiting list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5398/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


865. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the inpatient day case to-come-in waiting list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5399/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


866. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the GI endoscopy to-come-in waiting list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5400/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


867. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the inpatient day case suspensions list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5401/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


868. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the planned procedures list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5402/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


869. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the GI endoscopy planned procedures list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5403/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


870. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the planned procedures suspensions list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5404/20]

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Stephen Donnelly


871. Deputy Stephen Donnelly asked the Minister for Health the number of children under 18 years of age waiting on the outpatient waiting list in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting less than six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, by hospital group in tabular form. [5405/20]

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Freagraí scríofa

I propose to take Questions Nos. 863 to 871, inclusive, together.

The National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) currently collects and collates information in respect of the Inpatient, Day Case, Planned Procedure and Outpatient Waiting Lists.

Patients waiting for an appointment date for their treatment are categorised as 'Active', while patients suspended because they are temporarily unfit or unable to attend due to clinical or personal/social reasons are categorised as 'Suspension'. The Suspension category is also used where patients are being processed through various NTPF funded Insourcing or Outsourcing Initiatives.

The Planned Procedure list comprises those patients who have had treatment and require additional treatment at a future date (e.g. a patient who has had a scope may require surveillance monitoring scopes in the future). Patients on the Planned Procedure list are assigned indicative dates for treatment. These indicative dates are determined by the clinician and treatment before these dates would not be appropriate.

The Outpatient Waiting List includes patients with a scheduled appointment date for their consultation, and those awaiting an appointment date.

In relation to the specific query raised by the Deputy, the NTPF has provided the information requested in the tables attached. The NTPF has further advised that within the Public Health System, children are generally classified as those under the age of 16, while the figures in the attached tables also include patients between 16 and 18 years of age, to reflect patients who were under 18 on the 26th March 2020 according to the Date of Birth received from the relevant hospital.

Waiting Lists

Disability Services Data

Ceisteanna (872)

James Browne


872. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons with disabilities in receipt of home support hours in each LHO area at the end of March 2020 or latest date available; the number of persons on the waiting list for same in each LHO area; and the number waiting zero to three, three to six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, in tabular form. [5406/20]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Disability Services Data

Ceisteanna (873)

James Browne


873. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons with disabilities in receipt of personal assistance hours in each LHO area at the end of March 2020 or latest date available; the number of persons on the waiting list for same in each LHO area; and the number waiting zero to three, three to six, six to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively, in tabular form. [5407/20]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Disability Services Data

Ceisteanna (874)

James Browne


874. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of residential places for persons with a disability being provided at the end of March 2020 or latest date available by CHO in tabular form. [5408/20]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Disability Services Data

Ceisteanna (875)

James Browne


875. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of new emergency places provided to persons with a disability at the end of March 2020 by LHO in tabular form. [5409/20]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (876)

James Browne


876. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of children at the end of March 2020 or latest date available that were awaiting a first assessment from the HSE under the Disability Act 2005 by each LHO in tabular form. [5410/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (877)

James Browne


877. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons on the physiotherapy waiting list; the number waiting less than four, four to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively; and the number waiting aged zero to four, five to 17, 18 to 64 and more than 65 years of age, respectively in each category in tabular form. [5411/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (878)

James Browne


878. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons on the speech and language therapy assessment waiting list by each LHO at the end of March 2020 or latest date available; the number waiting less than four, four to 12 and more than 12 months, respectively; and the number waiting aged zero to 17 and more than 18 years of age in each category in tabular form. [5412/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (879)

James Browne


879. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons on the occupational therapy first-time assessment waiting list by each LHO at the end of March 2020 or latest date available; the number waiting less than four, four to 12 months and more than 12 months, respectively; and the number waiting aged zero to 17 and more than 18 years of age in each category in tabular form. [5414/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (880)

James Browne


880. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons in each LHO area waiting for a counselling appointment in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting zero to 12, 12 to 26, 26 to 52 and more than 52 weeks, respectively. [5415/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy as soon as possible.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (881)

James Browne


881. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons in each LHO area waiting for a child and adolescent mental health services appointment at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting zero to 12, 12 to 26, 26 to 52 and more than 52 weeks, respectively. [5416/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy as soon as possible.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (882)

James Browne


882. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of persons in each LHO area waiting for a psychology appointment in primary care at the end of March 2020 or the latest date available; and the number waiting zero to 12, 12 to 26, 26 to 52 and more than 52 weeks, respectively. [5417/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply.

HSE Waiting Lists

Ceisteanna (883)

James Browne


883. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Health the number of children admitted to adult mental health units to date in 2020. [5418/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy as soon as possible.

Disability Services Provision

Ceisteanna (884)

Michael McGrath


884. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Health the status of an application by an organisation (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5419/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.
