Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Direct Provision System

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 July 2020

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Ceisteanna (590)

Matt Carthy


590. Deputy Matt Carthy asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the planned timeline for delivering vulnerability assessments, full right to access employment, the ability to apply for driver licences and bank accounts for persons resident in direct provision; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [16935/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Last year, Dr Catherine Day was asked to bring together an expert group with representation from asylum seekers and NGOs to examine best practice in other European States in the provision of services to international protection applicants, to examine likely longer term trends and to set out recommendations and solutions. Any new system for the provision of accommodation and additional supports to international protection applicants will be informed by the Report of this Expert Group. The Group is examining both the reception system for accommodating applicants and the system for processing applications, and is expected to make recommendations for changes in both areas.

A briefing paper on the work of the group, prepared by the Chairperson to inform programme for government talks, was recently circulated to members of both Houses of the Oireachtas by the previous Minister and its interim recommendations cover many of these issues. The work of the group is advancing at pace and their report is expected by the end of September. The intention as stated in the Programme for Government is to publish a White Paper by the end of this year, informed by the recommendations of the Expert Group, which will set out how a replacement to the Direct Provision system will be structured and the steps to achieving it. It will be a matter for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, to progress the matter following the transfer of this function to his Department.

In the meantime, on foot of a request from my predecessor, work is continuing on progressing a number of issues identified by Dr Day in her briefing note.

There are ongoing discussions between officials in my Department and the HSE to allow for the introduction of vulnerability assessments for applicants for international protection by the end of the year.

A review of labour market access has recently been carried out by my Department which I intend to submit to Government for consideration in the near future.

The issuing of driving licences and learner permits to international protection applicants is currently being considered by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport in consultation with my Department. While there are a number of complex legal and administrative issues to be resolved, work is ongoing in this regard.

In relation to the ability of applicants for international protection to open bank accounts, senior officials of my Department have recently discussed the matter with the representatives of the Banking and Payments Federation Ireland (DPFI) to see how the issue can be progressed.
