Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Job Losses

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 September 2020

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Ceisteanna (151)

Denis Naughten


151. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment further to Parliamentary Question No. 89 of 8 September 2019, the outcome of discussions held by the Western Region Enterprise Committee on the job losses at a company (details supplied) and the specific measures now being taken to support job creation in Ballinasloe, County Galway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23878/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I can confirm that a meeting of the West Regional Enterprise Plan Steering Committee took place on the 8th September as scheduled. The meeting was chaired by Mr Peter Duggan, Acting CEO, Mayo Co. Council. The meeting was attended by a range of regional stakeholders including those representing enterprise and sectoral development agencies, the LEOs, the local authorities, the third level and further education sector, N&W Regional Assembly and Western Development Commission.

The main focus of the meeting was to gather considered views from those present on the enterprise impacts of COVID-19 and to review the continued relevance of current objectives and actions in the West Regional Enterprise Plan given new economic challenges for the region and nationally. This Plan covers the counties of Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.

The meeting heard a report back on the reviews from the working groups driving each of the Objectives in the current Regional Enterprise Plan since the previous meeting in July. The areas identified as of key importance over the coming months are as follows:

- Increasing Life Science capability in the West region;

- Attracting a wider tourism audience including the development of a ‘hybrid’ model for business tourism;

- Pivoting of the creative assets in the West to identify potential areas of growth;

- Establishing the region as an Ag Tech hub identifying niche opportunities;

- Addressing the Skills needs for the region with adaptable approaches in supporting Apprenticeships, adult learning and the Tertiary sector; and

- Extending the utilisation of Enterprise Centres and Hubs in the region to support remote working

It was agreed that the individual reports from each working group/theme would be drawn together in a unified document and submitted to my Department for input to considerations in the preparation of the forthcoming National Economic Plan.

As part of the meeting, the IDA representative provided an update on the job losses at Aptar, Ballinasloe and outlined IDA engagement with the company and all the relevant Agencies. He also confirmed that the Job Loss Protocol that is in place with DEASP has been activated.

During the subsequent discussion Galway LEO confirmed that the LEO is available to support any Aptar worker who might wish to start their own business. Galway ETB also detailed that they are available to provide many different types of training assistance to the individual staff members from Aptar.

As regards specific measures being undertaken by IDA to support Aptar and jobs in Ballinasloe these have included, since June 24th:

- Ongoing engagements with the local management of Aptar Ballinasloe;

- Ongoing engagements and support from IDA to employee representatives;

- Engagement with Enterprise Ireland regarding potential for local sourcing of suppliers or to seek interest in the Ballinasloe plant from Enterprise Ireland companies, in collaboration with the Enterprise Ireland Global Sourcing team;

- IDA West Regional team has connected the local Intreo and ETB with employees of Aptar;

- Following the decision by Aptar Global to close the Ballinasloe plant, a number of introductions to interested parties have been made to Aptar by IDA.

There are also a number of ongoing and planned Actions:

- IDA and Enterprise Ireland plan to use the Aptar Employee skills audit and plant layout as marketing collateral to attract new investment to Ballinasloe and to assess potential interest from existing FDI clients, particularly in Pharma, MedTech and Engineering sectors;

- IDA’s overseas office has ongoing engagement at corporate level with Aptar Global.
