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Weather Events

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 October 2020

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Ceisteanna (290)

Holly Cairns


290. Deputy Holly Cairns asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform further to the visit by the Minister of State for the OPW, if he will seek reports from the local authorities on the recent flooding events in west County Cork during August 2020 to address flood mitigation works for the areas concerned. [28254/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Reports on flood events are prepared for Government by Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, in line with the Major Emergency Management framework. A report on “Severe Weather & Flooding August 2020” was prepared by that Department for discussion at the Government Task Force Meeting on Emergency Management in early September.

Nonetheless, the Office of Public Works and Cork County Council remain in close contact following the flood events in August of this year. I visited areas in West Cork affected by the flood events in August at the time and saw the devastating effects such events have on communities.

My Office has since received an initial report on the recent flooding in Bantry, with a final report expected shortly. Bantry was identified for a potential flood relief scheme in the Flood Risk Management Plan for the area, which was published in 2018, and Cork County Council expects to go to tender shortly for the appointment of a consultant to take the development of that scheme forward.

Reports on the events that occurred in Bandon and Skibbereen have also been sought from design consultants for the flood relief schemes in those towns respectively, although the events in these towns were not directly related to the flood relief schemes, which are close to completion.

My Office also manages a Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme – to provide funding to local authorities for small, localised schemes in areas impacted by river and coastal flooding – over €39m has been provided since the Scheme started in 2009. Local Authorities are encouraged to avail of this Scheme where possible to benefit such areas. Should Cork County Council submit applications for the areas recently affected, they will be given every consideration.
