Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Bodies

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 October 2020

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Ceisteanna (143)

Cian O'Callaghan


143. Deputy Cian O'Callaghan asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage further to Parliamentary Question No. 333 of 15 September 2020, in respect of the national coastal change management strategy steering group, if the steering group will welcome direct testimony (details supplied) from residents of coastal areas; if persons who have lost their homes and properties to coastal erosion and flooding or are at immediate risk from it will be allowed to address the steering group; if not, the reason; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29632/20]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As set out in to Parliamentary Question No. 333 of 15 September 2020 referenced by the Deputy, the National Coastal Change Management Strategy Steering Group is jointly chaired by my Department and the Office of Public Works (OPW). The work of this high-level Inter-Departmental Group is to carry out an initial scoping exercise to examine how best to approach the development of an integrated, whole of Government coastal change management strategy, and to report to Government within six months with initial findings and recommendations.

The Deputy will note from the previous reply that there are a significant and complex range of issues to be considered in a relatively short timeframe. It is, however, a necessary first step to ensure the Government is as fully informed as possible in order to develop a comprehensive and robust coastal management strategy that will ultimately form part of a wider integrated framework to address the significant challenges of coastal erosion and related matters. Given the nature and scope of the work of the Steering Group, it would be premature to invite direct public input at this stage.

More generally, coming from a constituency affected by the coastal erosion issue, I am very aware of the potential impacts and urgency of the situation faced by residents of coastal areas, and I look forward to working with the Group and progressing its findings through Government.
