Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Economic Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 15 October 2020

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Ceisteanna (85)

Bernard Durkan


85. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the extent to which industry and trade here have made sufficient and adequate provision to meet the challenges arising from Brexit and Covid-19; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30877/20]

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Freagraí scríofa

Ireland came through the initial economic shock of COVID-19 with unparalleled levels of State intervention aimed at stabilising the economy and supporting businesses, employment and incomes. Over €24.5 billion had been made available in support measures as of September 2020, including the July Jobs Stimulus of over €7 billion.

The total budgetary package of over €17.75 billion announced in Budget 2021 is unprecedented in both size and scale in the history of the Irish State further demonstrating the Government’s commitment to supporting the country through both the worst global pandemic in a century as well as the growing probability of a hard Brexit.

There is a wide range of supports available to help businesses impacted by the Covid 19 crisis, and details of these and their uptake are available on my Department’s website at the following address: https://dbei.gov.ie/en/Publications/Take-up-of-COVID-19-and-Brexit-Business-Supports.html. Most recently, the COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS) has been introduced to help businesses who are severely restricted to meet ongoing costs through periods of restriction and provide employment as restrictions are eased and activity resumes.

Ireland's overall export performance over the last 10 years has been marked by year-on-year growth with total exports of goods and services reaching further record levels of €373.9bn in 2019. This strong performance continues to make a significant contribution to our economic growth. Indeed, despite the challenges posed for our economy by COVID-19, trade figures released by the CSO last month show that goods exports over the period January to July 2020 have increased by 6% compared to the same period in 2019.

The Irish exporting landscape remains strong, therefore, and companies in Ireland have been succeeding in winning business worldwide for their products and services. While the UK is, and will remain, a major market for Irish companies, expanding the Irish export footprint in markets beyond the UK is a key priority. In that context, Enterprise Ireland’s strategy is to support Irish exporters to be more innovative, competitive and market diversified.

IDA Ireland continues to emphasise the core elements of Ireland’s value proposition for foreign direct investment and the agency will continue to work closely with international clients, from a range of sectors, to attract job-rich investment from overseas firms.

€1.8 billion additional funding has been allocated in Budget 2021 to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in 2021 to support implementation of the necessary controls for agri-food exports to, and imports from, Britain after the end of the Brexit transition period this year.

The National Economic Plan, to be published in November, will look to the future setting the vision and roadmap to 2025 and the longer-term policy approaches to ensure that our economy will be resilient into the future.
