Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

JobPath Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 January 2021

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Ceisteanna (233)

Dara Calleary


233. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Social Protection the amounts paid in each of the years 2017 to 2020 to each of the companies involved in the JobPath programme; and the amount spent by her Department in each of those years managing the programme. [3399/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

JobPath service providers are paid on the basis of performance and, with the exception of the initial registration fee, payments are made only when a client has achieved sustained employment.

The initial set-up costs and the day to day running costs are borne by the service providers. The final overall cost of JobPath will be determined by the number of people who participate in the programme and the number who get sustainable jobs.

It is not possible to determine the administration costs associated with JobPath that have arisen within my department, as it not possible to disaggregate these costs from overall administrative costs.

The roll out of JobPath began in 2015 and the yearly expenditure is as follows:

2015 - €1.2m;

2016 - €25.2m;

2017 - €57.4m;

2018 - €71.7m

2019 - €58.6m

2020 - €36.2m

2021 - €2m (to date)

Total - €252.3m

It should be noted that this is gross expenditure and does not take into account the savings made in welfare payments for those who secured sustained employment.

I trust this is of assistance to the Deputy.
