Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Functions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 February 2021

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Ceisteanna (280)

Eoin Ó Broin


280. Deputy Eoin Ó Broin asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage the functions of the built environment advisory unit within his Department; the number of staff; the role of each; the work the unit undertakes with regard to the promotion of building standards including informing the building industry and building control authorities of the current building regulations and the updating of those regulations; if the unit has functions or powers to inspect construction sites; and if so, the basis and purpose. [5433/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The policy, technical and regulatory functions in relation to building standards are spread over a number of Divisions and Sections within my Department.

Implementation and enforcement of the building control system is a function for the 31 local building control authorities (BCAs), established in each local authority. The BCAs have a suite of inspection, investigatory and enforcement powers under the Building Control Acts 1990 to 2020.

While primary, but not exclusive, responsiblity for the broad building standards area is vested in the Building Standards Advisory Unit, within the Housing Policy, Legislation and Governance Division, the unit is supported by and collaborates with other sections across the Department.

In the context of the question, the responsibilities of the Building Standards Advisory Unit includes the following;

- The provision of technical/professional advice on matters relevant to building standards across departmental structures, agencies and local authorities as well as inter-departmental structures and liaison with key stakeholders in the sector.

- The ongoing development and promotion of a strong and evolving building code in support of quality construction, sustainable development and compliance with relevant EU requirements.

- Supporting the building control reform agenda, in particular in relation to strengthening the building control system, through the National Building Control Management project and regulatory framework.

The Building Standards Advisory business unit currently has thirteen officers who perform various roles in developing, securing the implementation of and compliance with the requirements of Building Regulations in addition to the delivery of a range of functions including those outlined above.

Nine officers are professional/technical staff, which include the Principal Adviser (Head of Business Unit), a Senior Adviser, three building standards advisers and four inspectors, some of whom are on secondment to other state agencies.

In addition to the professional/technical staff, the unit has one Assistant Principal Officer, a Higher Executive Officer, an Executive Officer and a Clerical Officer.

Staffing in the Building Standards Advisory Unit, and in all business units across my Department, is kept under review through the formal Workforce Planning process which is conducted in conjunction with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

In relation to the functions or powers of the business unit to inspect construction sites, as mentioned above, the enforcement of the Building Regulations is a matter for the 31 local BCAs which have extensive powers of inspection and enforcement under statute. Separately, some Building Standard Advisory Unit staff carry out inspections in support of the implementation of private housing grants administered by my Department, as well as for the purposes of supporting the implementation of the pyrite remediation scheme.
