Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Covid-19 Pandemic Supports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 February 2021

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Ceisteanna (418)

Noel Grealish


418. Deputy Noel Grealish asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will consider a temporary change in the conditions for participants on community employment schemes by granting an additional year to current participants who cannot undertake a training programme due Covid-19 restrictions and given the difficulties experienced by scheme operators in recruiting new participants during this time; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [5363/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Community Employment (CE) Scheme is an active labour market programme designed to provide eligible long-term unemployed people and other disadvantaged persons with an opportunity to engage in useful work within their communities on a temporary, fixed term basis. 

As the Deputy is aware, my Department has continued to provide funding and support for CE schemes since the onset of the Covid-19 emergency in March, 2020. During each period of Level-5 restrictions, CE participants,  whose contracts were due to end during the period of these restrictions have had their contracts extended for the duration of these restrictions.   The latest CE contract extension date is the 26th March, 2021, and this will continue to be monitored having regard to Government guidelines and restrictions.

Over 5,000 contracts which were due to come to an end since last October are having their contracts extended under this latest arrangement.  However, there will be no cliff edge or sudden cut off point for ending this number of contracts on whatever the final date of extensions will be. Subsequent to the final extension date,  there will be a planned ending of contracts on a phased basis, over a period of time, in order to ensure continuity of local services.  

I am aware of the CE recruitment challenges arising from the current restrictions which has had an impact on the ability of some CE schemes to recruit new CE participants and on Intreo activation staff in referring new participants to schemes.  My Department officials both centrally and in local Intreo Offices continue to work with CE sponsoring authorities to identify and refer potential CE participants to schemes where it is safe to do so in compliance with public health restrictions.

Where a CE participant finishes up on their CE scheme without completing the training outlined in their Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and if unfortunately they remain unemployed, they may be able to continue their training through other training supports provided by my Department such as the Training Support Grant (TSG) and the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA).

The priority for my Department is to ensure that all employment and activation programmes have the best outcomes for participants.  CE will continue to be made available to support those who are long term unemployed and furthest removed from the labour market, while maintaining the role of CE as an active labour market programme.   

I am fully committed to the future of this programme and will continue to support and improve the programme for the benefit of the CE participants and the valuable contribution being made to local communities through the provision of services.
