Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Schools Building Projects

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 10 February 2021

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Ceisteanna (393)

Emer Higgins


393. Deputy Emer Higgins asked the Minister for Education the status of the progress and timelines for delivery of new school accommodation for post-primary schools (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [6373/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The current status of the projects referred to by the Deputy is as follows:

Holy Family Community School (RN 91301D)

This major building project is at an advanced stage of Architectural Planning – Stage 2b (Detailed Design) which includes the application for statutory approvals and the preparation of tender documents.

A revised Stage 2(b) report has been reviewed by my Department. Further comments have issued to the Design Team who have been requested to carry out a final review of all of its tender documentation to ensure compliance with Department requirements and to submit written confirmation from each Design Team member when this work has been completed.

In order to expedite the progression of this project, my Department authorised the Design Team to commence the pre-qualification process to select a short-list of contractors and this process is currently on-going.

Upon receipt of Design Team confirmations and completion of the pre-qualification process and subject to no issues arising, my Department will be in contact with the Design Team and school with regard to the further progression of this project to the next stage of architectural planning, Stage 3 (Tender Stage).

A tender stage normally takes between 7 and 8 months to complete.

St. Joseph’s College (RN 60263V)

This major building project is also at an advanced stage of Architectural Planning, Stage 2b (Detailed Design).

The Stage 2(b) report has been reviewed by my Department. Comments have issued to the Design Team who have been requested to carry out a final review of all of its tender documentation to ensure compliance with Department requirements and to submit written confirmation from each Design Team member when this work has been completed.

My Department has authorised the Design Team to commence the pre-qualification process to select a short-list of contractors and this process is currently ongoing.

Upon receipt of Design Team confirmations and completion of the pre-qualification process and subject to no issues arising, my Department will be in contact with the Design Team and school with regard to the further progression of this project to the next stage of architectural planning, Stage 3 (Tender Stage).

A tender stage normally takes between 7 and 8 months to complete.

Griffeen Community College (RN 76454S)

The permanent school building project for Griffeen Community College has been assigned to my Department’s Design & Build delivery programme. This delivery programme uses a professional external Project Manager to progress the project through the relevant stages of architectural planning, tender and construction. Architectural Planning has commenced with site surveys and design development underway. A pre-planning meeting has been held with South Dublin County Council which will inform the design for the project.

The next milestone for the project will be the submission of the planning application to South Dublin County Council. It is not possible to provide an indicative timeframe for the progression of the project to tender and construction stages until such time as the necessary statutory approvals have been secured.

Lucan Community College (RN 70080T)

This major building project is also at an advanced stage of Architectural Planning, Stage 2(b) - Detailed Design.

The Stage 2(b) report has been submitted to my Department for review by Dublin Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB), who is the client for the project.

In order to expedite the progression of this project, my Department has authorised DDLETB to commence the pre-qualification process to select a short-list of contractors while the Department is reviewing the Stage 2(b) report.

Upon review, my Department will issue comments on the report to DDLETB and the Design Team will be requested to carry out a final review of all of its tender documentation to ensure compliance with Department requirements and to submit written confirmation from each Design Team member when this work has been completed.

Upon receipt of Design Team confirmations and completion of the pre-qualification process and subject to no issues arising, my Department will be in contact with DDLETB with regard to the further progression of this project to the next stage of architectural planning, Stage 3 (Tender Stage).

A tender stage normally takes between 7 and 8 months to complete.
