Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 28 April 2021

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Ceisteanna (1177)

Seán Sherlock


1177. Deputy Sean Sherlock asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the process in respect of an application for funding (details supplied). [21671/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund was established to deliver on the National Strategic Objective in the National Development Plan 2018-2027 of Strengthened Rural Economies and Communities. The Fund provides investment to support suitable projects in towns and villages with a population of less than 10,000, and outlying areas.

Calls for applications to the Fund are sought under two categories – Category 1 and Category 2. Category 1 relates to large scale ambitious capital projects with all necessary planning and other consents in place and which are ready to proceed. Category 2 provides funding to enable the development of project proposals suitable for future calls for Category 1 applications.

The application process for the Fund is competitive in nature and applications can be made by State-funded bodies i.e. Local Authorities, Local Development Companies, State agencies, other Government Departments etc. Lead parties to applications are encouraged to partner with other organisations, including communities, to put forward proposals. 

Applications for the Fund are assessed by my Department under the oversight of the Project Advisory Board, comprised of representatives from key Government Departments and independent experts. Once that process is complete, my Department prepares a report setting out recommended projects and my role as Minister is to consider that report and make final decisions in relation to the allocation of funding.

On 19th  April, I announced funding for 24 projects, including Youghal Public Library, which were successful under a Category 1 call for applications which closed in December 2020. Today, the Taoiseach and I announced that Phase 2 of the Ulster Canal was the final project to emerge as successful from that call for applications. In total, the 25 successful projects under this call will receive funding of €81 million from the Fund and provide total investment in rural areas of just under €100 million. To date, the Fund has provided €249 million for 164 projects across the country, worth a total of €338 million.

In terms of future plans, I will be announcing a call for Category 2 applications in the coming weeks and a further call for Category 1 applications will be announced later in 2021. Following each announcement, an application form and guidance document will be made available on my Department’s website. My Department will also liaise directly with prospective applicants to provide further guidance as necessary.
