Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Community Employment Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 28 April 2021

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Ceisteanna (681)

Willie O'Dea


681. Deputy Willie O'Dea asked the Minister for Social Protection the progress that has been made on the creation of a community employment scheme for the disabled (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [22247/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Community Employment (CE) is a labour market activation programme designed to provide eligible long-term unemployed people with an opportunity to engage in work experience and training opportunities within their communities on a temporary, fixed term basis.  

The eligibility for participation on CE is dependent on the individual circumstances of each person and the length of time she or he has been in receipt of a CE-qualifying social welfare payment.  While some of the persons the Deputy refers to in his question may be eligible to apply to CE schemes, subject to existing qualification criteria, this may not be the case for all persons affected by Rehab redundancies. In addition,  existing CE schemes may be more immediately accessible than one new CE scheme as they exist in a number of locations and regularly have CE placement opportunities available.

As the Deputy may be aware, Department officials from the local Intreo office have been engaging with Rehab Enterprises since the announcement of the redundancy consultation process.  All enquiries relating to the income maintenance and other Departmental supports to the employees have been pursued through liaison with a nominated representative of the company. Information packs containing application forms for PUP, Disability Allowance, information on Employability Service and Activation Services issued to all affected employees via the company. This pack also contained INTREO and Employment Services contacts. 

An Intreo Centre Case Officer has been assigned to deal with any individual supports requested and arrangements have also been made to ensure that any Social Welfare claims arising from the redundancy programme can be expedited. The Limerick Employability Service have held an information session on site with the employees. They have also conducted one-to-one meetings by phone with many of the employees. 

Department officials are continuing to work the Employability Service to provide support to the employees concerned, including on the process for possible referrals of employees to the National Learning Network.   The Department will continue to work with the Employability Service to ensure that existing supports are available and availed of by employees affected by the redundancies from Rehab.

I trust this clarifies matters for the Deputy.
