Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Transport Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 May 2021

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Ceisteanna (232)

Holly Cairns


232. Deputy Holly Cairns asked the Minister for Transport the details of his engagements to date with regard to supporting and promoting efforts to increase active travel; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26534/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As the Deputy may be aware, the Programme for Government committed that €360 million in cross-Government funding will be spent on walking and cycling per annum over the lifetime of the Government, equivalent to 20% of the entire transport budget. This investment will help support the planned delivery of almost 1,000 kilometres of improved walking and cycling infrastructure by 2025 as well as additional investment in Greenways.

In Budget 2020 my Department was allocated €130 million to support walking and cycling projects. This year, we have seen a significant increase in funding, in line with the Government’s prioritisation of Active Travel and Greenways. I was delighted to announce earlier this year an allocation of €240 million to Active Travel projects in Dublin, the Greater Dublin Area and the four regional cities, along with an additional €72.8 million to projects in the other local authorities. The latter funding stream constitutes the first ever major Active Travel investment programme for rural Ireland. An additional €50 million has been allocated to the Department’s Greenways programme. This increase in funding will not only support the construction and improvement of walking and cycling infrastructure but also the deployment of almost 250 Active Travel staff in local authorities around the country.

In addition to the increased funding for walking and cycling infrastructure, a number of smaller-scale initiatives are being progressed by my Department to support and promote efforts to increase active travel. The Department of Transport funds the delivery of CycleRight training through Cycling Ireland, which delivers cycling training to school-children around the country. In partnership with the Department of Education we also launched the Safe Routes to Schools Programme earlier this year, which aims to accelerate the delivery of walking, scooting and cycling infrastructure on key access routes to schools. Around €15 million will be allocated to this Programme in 2021 and it has had a great response, with applications received from schools in every county in Ireland. 

An additional €15 million has been allocated by my Department to an 'Additional Outdoor Infrastructure Fund' to help ensure a Safe Outdoor Summer. The funding will support local authorities in enhancing outdoor urban space and improving walking and cycling infrastructure through short term measures. This will assist the safe outdoor re-opening of society as Ireland gradually emerges from current COVID-19 public health restrictions. This Fund will be administered by the NTA on behalf of the Department and the deadline for applications passed last week, on 14th May 2021.

Finally, I was delighted to recently announce the launch of a three-year pilot initiative along with my colleague the Minister of State at the Department of Rural and Community Development, Joe O'Brien TD, for the provision of high quality up-cycled bicycles and e-bikes for those on low incomes and/or those who are most marginalised and disadvantaged. Funding of €1 million per annum is being provided by my Department for this initiative over a three-year period and will be made available through the Department of Rural and Community Development’s Community Services Programme.

The step-change in funding committed in Budget 2021 and the introduction of numerous innovative measures to encourage Active Travel is proof of the Government's commitment to this area, and I look forward to the delivery of the numerous projects and programmes around the country. 
