Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Flood Risk Management

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 30 June 2021

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Ceisteanna (90)

Richard O'Donoghue


90. Deputy Richard O'Donoghue asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the position regarding the OPW funded flood relief works that are currently ongoing; the estimated cost of each project; when each project will be completed in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35206/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The OPW delivers a programme of capital investment to address existing flood risk to properties and infrastructure through major flood relief projects, which are delivered largely in partnership with Local Authorities.

Since 1995 the OPW, together with the relevant Local Authorities, has constructed 49 major flood defence schemes throughout the country, protecting approximately 10,000 properties at a cost of some €400m, and avoiding estimated damages of €1.8bn.

In May 2018, €1bn investment was made available for implementation of a national programme of projects proposed in the Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP), over the lifetime of the National Development Plan 2018-2027 as part of Project 2040. This investment secures funding to deliver some 119 additional flood relief schemes, in addition to the 33 already underway at that time. The flood risk in these communities represents 80% of the risk from our primary cause of flooding - and they are home to almost two thirds of our population.

The table below sets out the OPW funded flood relief works that are currently ongoing, including those that are at construction, substantially complete or have advanced works progressing.

Flood relief scheme works currently ongoing

Current scheme status

Estimated cost of project

Estimated completion date

Co. Clare

Ennis South

At construction


2021 (Substantial completion)

Ennis Lower

At construction



Co. Cork


Substantial completion


2021 (Substantial completion)


At construction




Substantial completion




Substantial completion



Dublin City

River Dodder (Phases 2C, 2D & 2E)

At construction




Advance works at Deansgrange currently at construction

Overall scheme budget (Preliminary Estimate) €9.6m

Overall scheme 2024 (Substantial completion)

Co. Kildare

Lower Morrell

At construction



Co. Meath


At construction


2021 (Substantial completion)

Co. Tipperary


At construction


2021 (Substantial completion)

Co. Westmeath


At construction


2021 (Substantial completion)

In addition to these, over 80 further projects are currently being progressed through design, development and Planning, including 61 from the FRMP’s which were prioritised for implementation, selected on the basis of capacity to deliver the greatest benefit in terms of the greatest number of properties protected on a national and regional basis. In addition, almost 60 further schemes will be progressed through planning, design and construction over the coming decade.

As well as the major schemes outlined above, the OPW has provided some €41m in funding to Local Authorities under the OPW’s Minor Works Scheme since its introduction in 2009, supporting over 600 projects and providing protection to some 7,500 properties from localised flood risk. These also include a number of coastal flood and erosion risk management studies by Local Authorities.
