Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Agriculture Industry

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 15 July 2021

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Ceisteanna (38)

Bernard Durkan


38. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the extent to which he foresees the continued viability for the agri-food business notwithstanding the meeting of carbon reduction targets; his proposals for mutual coexistence of one with the other; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38179/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The continued viability and sustainability of the agri-food sector is compatible with the requirement that the sector must contribute to our national climate targets.

The need to improve sustainability in all its forms – economic, environmental and social - has been at the core of the deliberations of the Stakeholder Committee established to develop a new 10-year Strategy for the agri-food sector. The Deputy will be aware that a draft of this Strategy was published in April as part of a public consultation.

That draft set a vision for Ireland to become a world leader in Sustainable Food Systems over the period to 2030. By pursuing this vision, the Strategy aims for Ireland to continue producing safe, nutritious, high-value food, while protecting and enhancing our environment and contributing to vibrant rural and coastal communities and the national economy.

It is clear from the draft Strategy that careful consideration has been given to the issue of meeting environmental targets, while also supporting the ongoing development and viability of the agri-food sector. The draft Strategy has established four high level Missions and these will guide the sector to achieving the triple objectives of economic, environmental and social sustainability.

Those Missions are:

- A Climate Smart, Environmentally Sustainable Agri-Food Sector.

- Viable and Resilient Primary Producers, with Enhanced Wellbeing.

- Food that is Safe, Nutritious and Appealing, Trusted and Valued at Home and Abroad; and

- An Innovative, Competitive and Resilient Sector, Driven by Technology and Talent.

It is also worth noting that the draft Strategy has set challenging environmental metrics for the sector to achieve, including the over-arching ambition to develop a climate neutral sector by 2050, with substantial verifiable progress by 2030. I note that a series of well-thought out actions are contained in the Strategy to help deliver on that ambition.

These build on the Ag Climatise Climate & Air Roadmap for the Agriculture Sector that I launched in December last. I want to re-assure the Deputy that efforts are well under way to implement the 29 actions contained in that roadmap.
