Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

School Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 October 2021

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Ceisteanna (606)

Gary Gannon


606. Deputy Gary Gannon asked the Minister for Education her views on whether there is a substitute crisis in primary and secondary schools; the number of days in the academic year 2021-2022 that have gone uncovered by a qualified substitute teacher in both primary and secondary; and the number of days that have been left without cover or covered by a special education teacher in both primary and secondary since the release of circular 50/21 in tabular form. [51309/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

My Department is aware of difficulties being experienced by some schools in recruiting substitute teachers, particularly at primary level. At post primary level the challenges appear to refer more to the recruitment of teachers of certain subjects, although the recruitment of substitute teachers is also an issue.

A range of measures have been put in place to provide enhanced substitute cover in the context of Covid-19. These include a major expansion of the Primary Schools Substitute Teacher Supply Panels, which now employ almost 380 teachers and provide substitute cover to over 2,500 primary schools across the country. Further work is underway to ascertain if there are ways the operation of the panels can be enhanced to help with substitute teacher supply.

The Supply Panels work alongside the existing methods of sourcing substitute teachers, such as Sub Seeker the national substitution portal service for primary and post primary schools, operated by the Irish Primary Principals Network and developed in accordance with my Department's Teacher Supply Action Plan. Schools can also make local arrangements to have their own regular substitutes to call on if needed. 

Measures are also underway to raise awareness of the availability of substitute work in primary schools. The Teaching Council has emailed over 111,000 teachers on its register, asking any who may be available for substitute work to register with Sub Seeker.

My Department has also adjusted its payroll operational arrangements so that the restriction on the number of days that teachers on career break may be employed as substitutes has been suspended and teachers who are job sharing are allowed to work additional hours.

As in 2020/21, flexible school placement arrangements are being implemented to enhance the availability of post-primary Professional Master of Education (PME) student teachers to fill short term substitute vacancies. My Department and the Teaching Council are also planning to meet with the providers of primary initial teacher education (ITE) in the coming days to explore how flexibility in primary ITE programme delivery could facilitate additional substitute supply.

My Department is engaging on an ongoing basis with stakeholders to analyse the demand for substitution and to identify means to improve the availability of substitutes at this time.

The data sought by the Deputy is not readily available and will be forwarded to him directly.
