Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 October 2021

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Ceisteanna (221)

Colm Burke


221. Deputy Colm Burke asked the Minister for Education if he will confirm that the lost home tuition hours for a pupil who was sanctioned home tuition six weeks late (details supplied) can be reclaimed during the school year, with the said lost hours being utilised either over school holidays, out of school hours or at weekends; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [51844/21]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Special Education Home Tuition Grant scheme provides funding towards a compensatory educational service for children with special educational needs seeking an educational placement for whom such a placement is not available.  The scheme also provides for early intervention for children with Autism.

The application forms and related Circular for this year’s scheme were published on the 7th July 2021.

The Department works closely with the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) which has responsibility for working with families and schools and for the provision and coordination of an adequate number of specialist educational places to meet local demand throughout the country.

The NCSE has a national network of Special Educational Needs Officers (SENOs) to plan the necessary provision to meet local need. SENOs assist and advise parents experiencing difficulty finding a suitable school place for their child.  

Where a parent cannot secure a suitable school place for their child, they can make an application to the Department for the Home Tuition Grant.  The Home Tuition Grant provides funding towards a compensatory educational service for children until a school placement is available.  By its nature, it is intended to be a short term intervention.

The application is signed by the NCSE local SENO to confirm that no school placement is currently available for the child. A completed application was received on the 13th of September 2021 and sanction issued to parent on the 6th of October 2021 via email.

The Home Tuition Application form outlines that it may take the Department up to 15 working days to process home tuition applications.

As per the circular 0038/2021 ,Parents should not commence Home Tuition until they have received a grant approval letter from the Department confirming that they meet the terms and conditions of the scheme and the date of commencement of grant aid.

Parents/legal guardians are advised that the home tuition grant will not be back-dated.
