I propose to take Questions Nos. 363 and 364 together.
My Department launched the Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Programme in 2013 with the aim of funding retrofit of local authority owned homes requiring insulation and energy upgrade works. Since the programme commenced in 2013 over 75,000 homes have been retrofitted with a total exchequer spend of €184 million under the scheme.
The 2021 Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programme was a newly revised Retrofit Programme and last year was the first year of a ten year plan that is expected to grow to meet the Programme for Government retrofit commitment that calls for the 'retrofit' of 500,000 homes by 2030, of which, approximately 36,500 are expected to be local authority owned homes. It focuses on ensuring that the fabric of the home is upgraded and an energy efficient heating system is provided. This revised programme represented a ‘deeper retrofit’ on what has been completed by local authorities in previous years.
An annualised breakdown of the funding provided under the Energy Efficiency Retrofit programme for the years 2013-2021, is available on my Department's website at the following link:
The Department also introduced a pilot Midlands Energy Retrofit Programme in 2020-2022, the details of which are found below. A further 146 properties had deep retrofit works carried out and these figures are in addition to the National Retrofit Programme.
gov.ie - Midlands Energy Retrofit Programme - Expenditure and Units (www.gov.ie)
Energy Efficiency works are also undertaken as part of the Regeneration Programme offered by my Department to Dublin City, Cork, Limerick, Sligo and Louth but no specific data in relation to energy upgrade works are available.
My Department does not collate figures on energy efficiency/upgrade works carried out by Local Authorities using their own resources or by Approved Housing Bodies.
Statistics in relation to local authority housing stock according to their BER ratings is not available from my Department. However, this information may be requested from each individual local authority.
The CSO also publish analysis of all BERs on a quarterly basis which can be accessed using the link below.