Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Northern Ireland

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 2 June 2022

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Ceisteanna (255)

Brendan Smith


255. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the outcome of his most recent discussions with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and with the political parties in Stormont in relation to the Protocol; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28805/22]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland was designed and agreed by the UK and EU to mitigate against the inevitable disruptions arising from Brexit on the island of Ireland and to protect the Good Friday Agreement in all its dimensions. EU-UK engagement on resolving outstanding issues under the Protocol is an ongoing process. The EU-UK Joint Committee met on 21 February and the Specialised Committee on the Protocol on 8 March.

I maintain regular and ongoing contact with my UK counterparts, including the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Brandon Lewis and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. I have met with both the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the Foreign Secretary in recent weeks to discuss a range of issues, including the Protocol.

In those meetings I expressed my deep disappointment at the British Government’s intention to table legislation to unilaterally dis-apply elements of the Protocol. My message remains clear. I continue to urge the British Government against unilateral action and encourage constructive engagement with the EU. 

I have also remained in regular contact with the parties in Northern Ireland following last month’s Assembly elections. I hope, as we all do, to see the early establishment of an Executive and will continue to encourage the parties to work together to achieve this. Work on formation of the Executive and on application of the Protocol should both proceed in parallel. In the period ahead, we will continue to engage with the political parties and the British Government, to support the full functioning of all of the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement.

We have listened and take all sincerely held concerns about the Protocol seriously. The EU has also consistently engaged with the perspectives of everyone in Northern Ireland. In October, the Commission presented a package of proposals that responds directly to their concerns. These proposals would ease the flow of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and give Northern Ireland a greater say in the implementation of the Protocol. 

Only joint solutions can provide long-term legal certainty and predictability to people and businesses in Northern Ireland.
