Eoin Ó Broin
Ceist:511. Deputy Eoin Ó Broin asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage the total number of Croí Cónaithe grants issued in 2022, by county. [63750/22]
Amharc ar fhreagraDáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 January 2023
511. Deputy Eoin Ó Broin asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage the total number of Croí Cónaithe grants issued in 2022, by county. [63750/22]
Amharc ar fhreagra582. Deputy Eoin Ó Broin asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage the number of applications for Croí Cónaithe towns grants to date, broken down by local authority area and by grant type, such as vacant home, derelict home; the number of croí cónaithe towns grants approved, broken down by local authority area and by grant type; the total number of croí cónaithe towns grants drawn down, broken down by local authority area and grant type; and if he will provide a summary of the total value of applications, approvals, and draw-downs to date in tabular form. [2127/23]
Amharc ar fhreagraI propose to take Questions Nos. 511 and 582 together.
Pathway 4 of Housing for All sets out a blueprint to address vacancy and make efficient use of our existing housing stock. Many areas of cities, towns and villages of all sizes face the blight of vacant properties, which, if brought back into use, could add real vibrancy and provide new accommodation in those areas. The Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund is a key initiative which underpins these policy objectives set out in Pathway Four of Housing for All. In July 2022, the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant was launched as part of the Croí Cónaithe (Towns) Fund. The grant benefits those who wish to turn a formerly vacant house or building into their principal private residence. The grant, which was initially launched in respect of vacant properties in towns and villages, was expanded to include eligible vacant properties in both cities and rural areas from November 15 2022.
On 21 September 2022, the Ready to Build Scheme was launched, also funded under the Croí Cónaithe (Towns) Fund. Under the Ready to Build Scheme, local authorities will make serviced sites in towns and villages available to potential individual purchasers to build their homes. These sites will be available at a discount on the market value of the site for the building of a property for occupation as the principal private residence of the purchaser. When the Fund was launched, a commitment was given that the schemes funded by it would be kept under ongoing review. Feedback on the Vacant Property Refurbishment Scheme has been very positive, with 716 applications reported to 31 December 2022. In order for applications to be assessed and a decision made, specified supporting documentation must be submitted with the application and a site visit carried out by the local authority to assess the works being applied for. In some cases this may involve the local authority reverting to the applicant for additional information. Drawdown of the grant occurs on completion of the works applied for and a second site visit by the local authority. It is intended that in future, data including a breakdown by local authority of grants received and approved, will be published on my Department's website on a quarterly basis. Information of the nature requested by the Deputy is being compiled and will be published shortly.