I propose to take Questions Nos. 594 to 597, inclusive, together.
In line with commitments made in the Programme for Government and Housing for All, a national Youth Homelessness Strategy was published in November 2022. The Strategy aims to help young people aged 18-24 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It sets out 27 key actions to prevent youth homelessness; improve the experiences of young people accessing emergency accommodation; and assist young people in exiting homelessness. A copy of the Youth Homelessness Strategy 2023-2025 can be accessed on my Department’s website at the following link: www.gov.ie/en/publication/69597-youth-homelessness-strategy/.
A Steering Group, comprising representatives from organisations with a role in addressing youth homelessness, was established in January 2023 to drive the delivery of all actions.
A number of the Strategy's actions, such as those which refer to policy reviews, represent the normal work of relevant officials and provisions are being made within the existing resources of Government Departments and agencies, as appropriate. Actions in progress that will require funding will be determined in consultation with relevant stakeholders brought forward through the normal annual budgetary processes. Currently, implementation of 25 of the 27 actions have commenced and the remaining two actions will be commenced by the end of Q1-24.
One of the main actions in the Strategy is to develop a pilot of a housing-led intervention, Supported Housing for Youth (SHY). This intervention is aimed at those aged 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness and who require additional supports to maintain a tenancy. The DRHE published an Expression of Interest in October 2023 seeking submissions from NGOs interested in providing accommodation and/or supports for SHY. That process is now complete and the pilot is due to launch in the coming months. It is anticipated that, throughout the first twelve months of the pilot, 25 young people will be moved out of emergency accommodation and into their own accommodation with wraparound supports.
Other actions underway include a review of Housing Circular 46/2014 on the Protocol on Young People Leaving State Care and the development of an information campaign for young people for 2024.
Completed actions include the issue of a circular to local authorities in July 2023, requesting regions ensure that the Youth Homelessness Strategy is reflected in Homelessness Action Plans, as well as the publication of the Housing Agency’s Supports Guide for Young People in September 2023. A copy of this Supports Guide can be accessed on The Housing Agency’s website at the following link: www.housingagency.ie/sites/default/files/2023-09/The-Housing-Agency-Youth-Support-Booklet.pdf.
The Strategy is a three-year Strategy which will be at its halfway point in May 2024. It is intended to publish a full progress report at this point which will set out how each of the Strategy’s 27 actions are being implemented as well as the priorities for the next 18 months.