Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Grinnscrúdú AE

An Coiste um Nós Imeachta (Dáil Éireann) (32ú Dáil)

Tá achoimre ar leathanach an Ghrinnscrúdaithe AE anseo, ní mór inneachar a chur leis.

Cinntí Cruinnithe

Luan, 16 MFómh

Responses to questionnaire issued in relation to APP Fraud

Responses to questionnaire issued in relation to APP Fraud ()

Aoine, 13 MFómh

The Disproportional Effects of Geopolitical Risks

The Disproportional Effects of Geopolitical Risks ()

Aoine, 13 MFómh

Costing analysis of introducing an expenditure cap within the National Childcare Scheme

Costing analysis of introducing an expenditure cap within the National Childcare Scheme ()

Luan, 9 MFómh

Costing Analysis on Culture Card for Young People

Costing Analysis on Culture Card for Young People ()

Déar, 5 MFómh

Defence Forces: Analysing Ireland’s Naval Service

Defence Forces: Analysing Ireland’s Naval Service ()

Céad, 4 MFómh

An Overview of Taxes on Wealth in Ireland

An Overview of Taxes on Wealth in Ireland ()

Máirt, 27 Lún

Trade Openness and Extreme Events: A Parsimonious Model

Trade Openness and Extreme Events: A Parsimonious Model ()

Aoine, 16 Lún

Social Housing – Ongoing Need 2023

Social Housing – Ongoing Need 2023 ()

Aoine, 19 Iúil

Correspondence, Suzanne Eade,Chief Executive, Horse Racing Ireland, R2725 PAC33

Correspondence, Suzanne Eade,Chief Executive, Horse Racing Ireland, R2725 PAC33 ()

Aoine, 19 Iúil

Correspondence, John Callinan, Secretary General, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, R2724 PAC33

Correspondence, John Callinan, Secretary General, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, R2724 PAC33 ()
