Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 4 Dec 1923

Vol. 5 No. 17


asked the Minister for Defence whether he will immediately consider the necessity for setting up in Cork a small Committee to investigate and assist in expediting the payments of the numerous claims in Cork City and County for motor vehicles, motor cycles, boats, etc., commandeered by National Troops and in many cases damaged while being used by the troops during operation.

Arrangements have already been made for the interdepartmental Commandeered Motor Vehicles Committee to sit locally in various districts in An Saorstát so as to expedite the settlement of the claims referred to. That Committee is sitting in Cork to-day.

asked the Minister for Defence if compensation has yet been paid to Messrs. Hoary and Tully, Mental Hospital Attendants, Ballinasloe, on account of their bicycles which were commandeered by the Military Authorities over twelve months ago.

Compensation has not been paid in these cases. It is hoped it will be paid at an early date.

asked the Minister for Defence if he can state the reasons for the delay in paying the account due by the Army Authorities to Mr. James McMahon, victualler, Woodford, Co. Galway, for which application has been repeatedly made by Mr. McMahon personally and by his solicitors.

Amounts totalling in all over £200 have been paid to Mr. McMahon, and no outstanding accounts can be traced.
