Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 23 Nov 1927

Vol. 21 No. 17


asked the Minister for Fisheries if he is aware that the harbour of Kinsale requires dredging, and that unless something is done shortly, even small boats will be unable to get up the river, the tide falling as low as nine feet six inches, that several of the berths are useless, and that although the pier head is unfit and dangerous for discharging, as well as being too far from the town, it is the only berth available; and, further, if he is aware that the necessary dredging to provide berthage for seven vessels could be done by a crab dredger in five weeks, and if he proposes to take any action in the matter.

I have not received any application from the Kinsale Harbour Commissioners regarding the dredging of the berthage at the quays. I am aware that evidence was given before the Ports and Harbours Tribunal that dredging is necessary; and, when the Commissioners satisfy me that such dredging is essential to the development of the port as a fishery harbour and that the work can be done without danger to the foundations of the quays, I will be prepared to recommend a grant of a proportion of the cost.
