Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 15 Feb 1928

Vol. 22 No. 1


asked the Minister for Fisheries if he can state when the lands of Castlesize, electoral division of Bodenstown, County Kildare, consisting of 171 acres of untenanted lands, held by Mr. James Lyons, will be available for division amongst the congest applicants (49 in number) whose names have been furnished to the Department.

The Land Commission expect to issue an offer for the purchase of the lands of Castlesize at an early date.

asked the Minister for Fisheries whether he will instruct the Land Commission to acquire for division amongst the uneconomic land-holders in the vicinity the farm containing 100 statute acres, held by the late Miss Mary Nolan, in the townland of Ballyraggan, electoral division of Graney, County Kildare; whether he is aware that for many years the local congests have demanded that this farm should be acquired and divided, and whether it is true that the Department's Inspector reported that the farm is in every way suitable for division, and if so, whether he will expedite its acquisition and division.

The Land Commissioners are having inquires made regarding the lands of Ballyraggan referred to. These lands are already subject to a Land Purchase annuity and in the event of their acquisition it is possible that the question of giving the owner a substituted holding under Section 24 of the Land Act, 1923, may arise.

asked the Minister for Fisheries whether the Land Commission has decided to acquire, for the relief of congestion, the farm containing 178 acres statute measure (of which particulars were furnished to the Department on December 19th, 1927), held by the late Mr. Robert Murray, in the townland of Nurney, electoral division of Nurney, County Kildare, and if so, can he state when the lands will be available for allotment amongst the local congests.

The Land Commission have directed an inspector to make inquiries as to the user and suitability of the lands referred to.

asked the Minister for Fisheries whether he will instruct the Land Commission to acquire, for the relief of congestion, the untenanted lands containing 173 acres, in the townland of Kilbelan, Newbridge, County Kildare, held by Mr. Patrick Bobbett; if he is aware that there is only one man, a herd, employed on this farm, and if so, whether he will expedite the acquisition and division of these lands amongst deserving local congests.

The Land Commission made an offer for the purchase of the lands of Kilbelan held by Patrick Bobbett but the offer was not accepted. Having fully considered all the aspects of this case, the Land Commission have decided not to proceed further at present with the acquisition of these lands.

asked the Minister for Fisheries whether he will state the reasons for the delay in allotting to small holders in the parish of Kilcock, County Kildare, some 340 acres of lands on the Aylmer Estate, acquired by the Land Commission about two years ago; whether these lands have been let on the eleven months' system to graziers from other counties since then, and whether it is the intention of the Land Commission to divide these lands amongst local congests in preference to migrants from other counties.

One hundred and fifty acres of these lands acquired on the Aylmer Estate have already been divided amongst small holders in the vicinity. The final allotment of the residue is under consideration.

Arising out of the reply given by the Parliamentary Secretary, will he see that local congests get a preference before migrants? There is great resentment in the district owing to the fact that the division of the land was held up, and that the lands were not given to the local people.

My information is different. It is to the effect that there is practically no congestion in the area. It is more than likely that the greater portion of the land will be given to migrants from the West, where there is congestion.

Perhaps the Parliamentary Secretary's information is not correct.
