Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 9 Aug 1933

Vol. 49 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Issue of Passports.

asked the Minister for External Affairs (a) if passports are now being issued with the name of the present Minister for External Affairs on the "Request" page; and (b) if so, if it was on one of these passports that the Minister for Lands and Fisheries recently travelled to the United States of America, and (c) if it was on one of these passports that the President recently travelled to Italy and France.

The answer to the first part of the Deputy's question is in the negative. Accordingly, the second and third parts of the question do not arise.

Is the President aware of the reply given on his behalf by the Vice-President on the 24th November last year in which it was promised to this House that the use of passports, with the "Request" page in another Minister's name, would be discontinued at Christmas of last year?

I am not aware of that. It was not brought to my notice. The position was that the Deputy who put the question had some 20,000 copies prepared, so that he expected to be in office for the rest of his life.

The President is still afraid to put his name to that passport. Might I inquire with regard to part (c) if I am to assume from the President's answer that he went to Rome on a passport signed by me.

I went to Rome on a passport which was in the Department when I came in and which I used.

The President went to Rome on a passport signed by me?

Yes. There are 20,000 still there.

You could not go under better auspices.

That is the Deputy's opinion.
