Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 12 Apr 1934

Vol. 51 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Use of Irish in Gaeltacht.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will cause an enumeration to be made in June this year similar to that made in June, 1931, for the purpose of reviewing the extent to which Irish is used as the family language in the districts called the Irish-speaking districts and the partly Irish-speaking districts.

The enumeration made in June, 1931, to which the Deputy refers was made at the same time as the collection of the Annual Agricultural Statistics that year and the information obtained was recorded in the Agricultural Statistics Enumeration Books. The inquiry was made primarily for the purpose of testing the reliability of the replies given on the Census (1926) Schedules to the question concerning knowledge of the Irish language. The forms for the Agricultural Statistics this year are now being printed and it is not feasible to include reference to the use of the Irish language on the forms.

Will the Minister say when it is proposed to take another enumeration such as the enumeration mentioned by him?

The enumeration mentioned was taken primarily for the purpose of testing the replies given in the 1926 census schedules and it might have to be taken for a similar purpose again. I do not think I can answer that question at this stage without further consideration.

Can the Minister say when the next census will be taken?

In two or three years' time.

In view of the importance of the position of the use of Irish as the home language in the Irish-speaking districts and in view of the very serious situation disclosed in the enumeration made in June, 1931, is it not a matter of the greatest possible importance that that situation would be kept under almost continual review in order to see to what extent the tendency is towards worsening or growing better?

I will have to consider whether we can do that.
