Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 8 May 1935

Vol. 56 No. 5

The Committee of Selection—Eighth Report

This Committee has nominated the following Deputies to serve on the Select Committee of Public Accounts (Appropriation Accounts for the Year 1933-1934):—

Deputies T. Crowley, J. M. Dillon, O. G. Esmonde, D. Fitzgerald, A. Haslett, M. Keyes, E. Kissane, D. McMenamin, P.S. Murphy, D. O'Briain, M. O'Reilly and P. Smith.

The Committee has discharged Deputy P.S. Doyle from the Joint Committee to report on the Future Management of the Oireachtas Restaurant, and has appointed Deputy R. Mulcahy in his place.

Ordered: That the Report do lie upon the Table.