Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 21 Feb 1940

Vol. 78 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Retail Price of Lard.

asked the Minister for Supplies what he proposes to do in regard to the retail price fixed by him for lard, in view of the number of complaints of the non-observance by merchants of it.

Since the 11th November, 1939, the date of the order fixing the maximum retail price of lard at 7d. per lb. two complaints were received in my Department that retailers were charging more than that price. Investigations made by the Department brought other cases under notice in which the order was not being complied with, but as a result of the action taken the retailers concerned brought their price down to the proper figure. I see no reason at the present time for altering the retail price of lard. I am considering, however, whether the producers' and wholesalers' prices of this commodity should not also be fixed by order and I hope to make a decision on the matter very soon.

Is the Minister aware that when he fixed the price of lard at 7d. per lb. to the consumers the price charged by the wholesalers was in the neighbourhood of 60/- per cwt., thus making it quite impossible for any retailer to distribute lard at any profit at all?

I am aware of that.

Is it not time when the Minister is aware of such a thing that he should do something about it?

I have just informed the Deputy that I am proposing that the producers' and wholesalers' prices of this commodity should be fixed by order——

And for the last three months every shopkeeper in the country has been selling lard at a loss.

And that is not a question.

I am now proposing to do something by order which I was previously trying to get done without making an order.

I confess I do not see much evidence of the Minister's activity.
