Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 16 Feb 1944

Vol. 92 No. 9

Business of the Dáil.

On the Order of Business to-day I read out a list of Supplementary Estimates that I expected would be circulated to-day and which we would ask the House to discuss tomorrow. I find now that the list of Supplementary Estimates I read out to-day will not be ready for circulation in time. I have here, however, a list of Supplementary Estimates that are ready and can be circulated and, with the permission of the House, I propose to read this list and to substitute it for the one I read out earlier to-day:— Vote 16 (Superannuation and Retired Allowances); Vote 25 (Law Charges); Vote 26 (Universities and Colleges); Vote 35 (District Court); Vote 39 (Public Record Office); Vote 45 (Office of the Minister for Education); Vote 50 (Reformatory and Industrial Schools); Vote 75 (Repayments to Contingency Fund). These are the Supplementary Estimates that the Dáil will be asked to consider tomorrow. I am sorry if the reading of the other list has inconvenienced any Deputy.

I presume they will be taken after questions?
