Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 19 Sep 1944

Vol. 94 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Corporation Schemes.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if representations have been made to him by the Dublin Corporation in respect of (1) the provision of a riverside walk by the River Tolka; (2) the cleaning and regarding of the river bed from Glasnevin Bridge to the Great Northern Railway bridge at East Wall Road; and if he is now in a position to state when sanction will be given for both schemes.

Proposals for the provision of a riverside walk by the River Tolka have been received, and plans for the work have been approved. Certain lands have to be acquired and the corporation propose to proceed under the Unemployment (Relief Works) Act, 1940.

The application of the corporation for a certificate under that Act related to four individual sites, three of which are situate on the north side of the river, and the fourth on the south side. In the case of the sites on the north side one is already the property of the corporation and a certificate is not necessary. In regard to site No. 2, adjoining Drumcondra Road, the corporation's proposal was to improve the site by the planting of trees in agreement with the owner but not to acquire it. In such a case the Act does not apply. The remaining sites are suitable for certification and the corporation were asked on 25th ultimo to submit further details.

The scheme for the cleaning and regrading of portion of the River Tolka bed was considered in conjunction with a proposal to construct fish passes at all weirs and obstructions on the river from The Mill dam at the D. W. Distillery to Finglas Bridge. Difficulties arose in connection with the provision of the fish passes due to the reluctance of the D. W. Distillery Company to agree to the corporation's proposals and these difficulties are still the subject of negotiation between the corporation and the Distillery Company. A recent proposal of the corporation to proceed with the cleaning of the river bed separately is at present being examined in my Department.

Mr. O'Sullivan

Would the Minister expedite the last item because it is most pressing? The river bed is in a most offensive condition for months past.

I can scarcely agree with the Deputy that the matter is pressing. The view of my technical advisers is that it would be better to defer the work until the spring
