Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 Nov 1944

Vol. 95 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acreage Bounties.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in view of the drastic reduction in the farmer's income as a result of the collapse in live-stock prices, and in order to assist him to maintain and increase food production during the coming year, he will now introduce a scheme of acreage bounties in respect of certain tillage crops similar to that in operation in Great Britain.

I do not accept the statement in the first part of the question and as regards the latter part, I have nothing to add to my replies of 15th December, 1943, and 29th February, 1944, to the Deputy's previous questions on the same subject.

Is the Minister not aware that agricultural conditions have deteriorated very considerably during the past year owing to the collapse in the price of live stock and the partial failure of crops? Is he not aware that farmers are facing very great difficulty in undertaking the tillage campaign for the coming year owing to the lack of capital?

The Deputy is perhaps partially right. I should like to remind him, however, that the agricultural price index, which includes cattle, is as high as it was this time last year; at least the last figure available shows that. There were partial failures of crops, it is true, but I do not think the conditions are so bad that they call for any special measures such as requested by the Deputy.

Does the Minister seriously state that the price of cattle is the same as it was this time last year?

No, I said the agricultural price index, which is the index price for all agricultural produce, including cattle.

Is not the index figure down?

The latest figure was not down.

It is down.

The Deputy must have seen a later figure than I did.
