Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 9 Jul 1946

Vol. 102 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Importation of Electrolytic Condensers.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware that a consignment of electrolytic condensers was ordered from the United States in January last, by Messrs. L.R. Wood, Limited, Cork; that the consignment was shipped on the 26th April, per the Irish Alder, which arrived at the Port of Dublin on the 18th May and at the Port of Cork on the 23rd May; that the consignment became subject to customs duty by reason of the fact that, from the 18th May, a customs duty of 75 per cent, was imposed, and that the firm have been informed that he is not prepared to recommend the issue of a licence to import the consignment free of customs duty; if he will have the matter reconsidered; and, if not, if he will state what are the reasons, in the circumstances of this consignment, that the customs duty will not be waived.

I am aware of the facts as stated. Payment of customs duty was not, and will not be waived, on the goods referred to except in the circumstances mentioned in my reply to the Deputy on the 2nd instant. These goods were previously chargeable with duty which was paid by all other importers.

Will the Minister say why, in the case of a firm that got permission from the Government to use dollars to import a certain number of articles, and got permission to get space in Irish shipping to import the articles, the number and value of which were previously conveyed to the Government, the Government waited until the ship was outside the harbour before they increased the customs duty on the goods that were being imported under these circumstances?

Admittedly, this firm were unfortunate by reason of the fact that the duties were increased while the goods were in transit, but to put them in the position of getting goods duty free would give them an advantage over other firms which import goods and pay the duty.

I desire to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment, when it can be more satisfactorily discussed?
