Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 17 Jul 1946

Vol. 102 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Barrow River Embankments.

asked the Minister for Lands whether, having inspected the marsh lands in the neighbourhood of New Ross, he can indicate when the work of repairing the Barrow River embankments is likely to be undertaken, so as to prevent a continuance of flooding.

Arrangements have been made for a preliminary survey of the flooding caused by the River Barrow in the townland of Marsh-meadows, and in adjoining townlands, immediately south of New Ross, at the expense of the local authorities concerned, viz., the Wexford County Council and the New Ross Urban District Council. Until the results of this survey become available it will not be possible to say what action (if any) the Land Commission may take in the matter.

As the Minister is aware, a deputation from New Ross came here and he gave them an undertaking to have something done. This flooding has caused terrible disease in the town of New Ross. Is the Minister aware of the position of the people there and of the demand that something should be done? We in the county council are prepared to do anything in the matter if the Minister will put his hand to the wheel.

Mr. Corish

Does the Minister say that the next step really rests with the New Ross Urban District Council and the Wexford County Council?

In reply to Deputy O'Leary, quite a good deal has been done in regard to the matter. In reply to Deputy Corish, the matter does not rest with the New Ross Urban District Council. It did rest with the New Ross Urban District Council and the Wexford County Council until recently, when they decided to agree to our point of view that they should pay for the survey first. Now they have paid and the survey is under way.
