Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 23 Oct 1946

Vol. 103 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sale of Beer in Midlands.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether he is aware that, in selling beer to traders in the Midlands, Messrs. Arthur Guinness and Son, Limited, will only quote a carriage-paid rate, and will not permit purchasers to remove the goods in their own lorries, but instead, forward the goods either by rail or canal; that, similarly, millers selling mill offals will only quote carriage-paid rates, and will only forward goods by rail or canal; if he will state the circumstances under which this arrangement is operated by the firms concerned; and whether, in view of the considerable hardships occasioned to traders, and to the unemployment among lorry drivers and helpers, arising from its enforcement, he will take immediate steps to have this arrangement cancelled, and to ensure that consignees will be permitted to take delivery of goods, consigned to them, by using their own vehicles.

I understand that Messrs. Guinness have made arrangements with the public transport companies for the delivery of their products at a flate rate on a carriage-paid basis. The company are free to make such arrangements for the delivery of their products and I see no reason to intervene.

The millers' price of offals is uniform for the whole country and includes an average charge for freight. I do not consider it desirable that these arrangements, which facilitate the fair distribution of commodities at a uniform price, should be disturbed.

Does the Minister not consider it most undemocratic that a citizen cannot use his own vehicle to haul goods for his own use? That being the case, will the Minister take the necessary steps to have that unsatisfactory arrangement cancelled?

I see no reason why I should interfere with the business arrangements of private firms.

Is the Minister aware that this arrangement is causing unemployment among lorry-drivers-that they are losing employment because of this arrangement?

The firm is at perfect liberty to make whatever arrangement it likes in the matter.

Is the Minister aware that, in conspiracy with his Department, Córas Iompair Eireann swept away the whole system of carriage forward in this country——

That is a separate question.

Now they are allowing individual firms like Guinness and others to go back to that system in order to prevent individuals from carrying their own goods?
