Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 17 Jun 1948

Vol. 111 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Collinstown Airport.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state (a) the date on which it was decided by his Department to acquire and demolish dwelling-houses and out-offices near Collinstown airport for enlargement purposes, and (b) the acreage of land at present covered by the airport.

(a) The acquisition of certain lands required for the enlargement of Dublin Airport was decided upon in December, 1946. As indicated in the reply to the Deputy's question of the 8th June, houses on these lands which constitute an obstruction to air operations will have to be demolished, but no house will be demolished where that can be avoided; (b) the lands so far acquired for the purposes of the airport cover an area of approximately 700 acres.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that private premises, intended for the carrying on of business, are in course of erection in the vicinity of the airport, and can he justify the building of these premises in view of the fact that possibly in the future these people will have to be paid compensation?

Is the Parliamentary Secretary also aware that the decision in this case is also interfering with the building of houses in the district?

Collinstown will not be wanted in the near future.

With regard to Deputy Rooney's question, I have no particulars of that case. I do not see how the acquisition of land for an airport can interfere with the building of houses in the district.

The point is that a decision was made in December, 1946, to notify certain landholders in the area that their premises would be acquired for demolition. Since that date, apparently, persons desiring to build in the vicinity of the airport have got permission.

Persons who built since the notice was given did so at their own risk.
