Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 14 Feb 1951

Vol. 124 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Army Reservists.

Major de Valera

asked the Minister for Defence if he will state (a) whether a recent decision has been made limiting the period during which an Army reservist may reside in Great Britain to 18 months; (b) whether instructions have been issued to such reservists who have already been residing with permission in Great Britain for longer than this period to return to Ireland within 21 days, and (c) the reason for such decision and instructions.

It was recently decided to limit to 18 months the period during which members of the reserve-first line may reside in Great Britain. All such personnel who have already been residing with permission in that country for 18 months were notified that the permission granted was being withdrawn as from 21 days from the date of such notification. The decision was necessitated by the uncertainty of the attitude of the British Government regarding the liability of Irish citizens ordinarily resident in Great Britain for compulsory military service under the National Service Act, 1948.
