Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 4 Dec 1951

Vol. 128 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Infectious Diseases (Maintenance) Regulations.

asked the Minister for Health whether it is a fact that persons suffering from tuberculosis who reside in the Ballyfermot area do not receive the city rate of allowance under the Infectious Diseases (Maintenance) Regulations; and, if so, whether he will recommend to the local authority that all such sufferers in the Ballyfermot area should be paid the city rates.

The regulations governing the payment of allowances provide for slightly higher rates of allowance in the case of beneficiaries resident in the four county boroughs in recognition of the fact that the cost-of-living generally is somewhat higher in these areas than elsewhere in the country. The disparity, however, between the rates of allowances payable in county boroughs and those payable elsewhere does not necessarily involve payment of allowances at lower rates to persons resident immediately outside the county borough, as health authorities have discretion as to the extent to which maintenance allowances may be abated in respect of income from other sources. I understand that in the case of residents in Ballyfermot area, County Dublin, who are in receipt of allowances, the Dublin County Council exercises this discretion in the abatement of allowances and, where necessary, supplements the allowances with food vouchers under the Domiciliary Welfare Scheme, so as to remove or reduce the disparity between the county and city rates.

Would the Minister bring it to the attention of the local authorities concerned that, to the detriment of the people living in Ballyfermot, there are cases existing where people who live almost in the city are not receiving as much as they would if they were within the city boundary?

Would the Minister consider the advisability of ensuring some kind of uniformity in built up areas such as Ballyfermot which virtually form part of the city?

I have been informed by the local authorities that, as far as they know, there is no case of any great disparity. There might be very slight differences. However, I can ask the local authorities again. As regards Deputy MacBride's question, I think that when our Social Welfare Bill comes along we will be considering this question of allowances for chronic diseases on a bigger scale.
