Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Apr 1952

Vol. 130 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rural Electrification.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether the canvass of residents in Touraneena and Ballinamult areas in connection with rural electrification took place last August as promised by him in reply to a question some time ago, and if the canvass has not taken place if he will indicate when the matter will receive reconsideration.

I am informed by the Electricity Supply Board that the Ballinamult area County Waterford which includes Touraneena was again considered in December, 1951 but was not selected for development due to the low financial return. The board further inform me that recanvasses take place only when there are clear indications that an increased number of householders are prepared to take supply and that the results are likely to have an appreciable effect on the economic return. The area will be reconsidered from time to time, but the prospects of it being selected for development in priority to other areas are not considered to be good unless a much higher percentage of householders agree to accept supply.
