Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 31 Mar 1954

Vol. 145 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Health Act, 1953.

asked the Minister for Health if he will state what steps have been taken or are to be taken to provide for the establishment by local authorities of rehabilitation and re-employment schemes under the provisions of the Health Act, 1953.

While no comprehensive scheme of rehabilitation and re-employment has yet been devised, every encouragement is being given to local authorities to assist in the work by providing the appropriate improved medical services, by assisting existing agencies which have rehabilitation as their object and by admitting to employment in their own services persons who have been disabled.

Under an Order which I have made to-day, the relevant section of the Health Act, 1953 is being brought into operation on 1st October next. In the meanwhile, health authorities will be occupied with the task of implementing other sections of the Act and making arrangements for the provision of services for the new groups who will become entitled to them.

Is there provision under this Act, or under the Order made by the Minister, for the rehabilitation of cerebral palsy patients, or does their treatment come under the heading of rehabilitation?

Is the Deputy asking if an Order has been made?

Does the word rehabilitation, in this context, cover the treatment of the cerebral palsy type of patient?

Does the Minister anticipate that, under the Order he has made and under the general provisions of the Act, financial assistance will be made available for their treatment?

The Order will enable local authorities to make contributions to outside organisations if they cannot do it themselves.
